Let's talk about the China Post and its editorials

You’re all missing the point. Dilbert and the hilarious English in the China Post cheer me up immensely on the way to work. The Taipei Times is soooo self-consciously serious… And it’s boring. Yes. I know China’s bad. I don’t need to open my newspaper to be told it relentlessly in broken English throughout the meagre 12 pages of my morning paper.

He seemed to always mention child molesters as well. I liked it when he wrote a letter to the editor–about himself and his column.

Heaven forbid a newspaper take itself seriously.

There’s a lot of politics and boring crap in the TT, for sure, but i’m not sure describing it as taking itself "soooo (right number of “o"s here?)” seriously is something that anyone at the paper would either deny or seek to change since the alternative is to produce a half-assed, joke paper which Taipei already has. But anyway, this thread should really be about the China Post.

So, getting to that, i especially enjoy the headline for the second top story “KMT leader aims to ease tension” which appears under a picture of him and his CCP buddy Chen Yunlin toasting some hard liquor at a banquet at Beijing’s Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. A stiff drink is also how i like to ease tension after a hard, long day of grabbing my ankles and walking haplessly into a divide-and-conquer set-up.

As for the editorial today, it’s refreshingly lucid and based on what seems like decent sense. Warning against an overly strong reaction calling for a curb on investment in china after Hsu Wen-long’s sad parrotting of the one China mantra isn’t totally dumb. What seems dumb is what is sometimes floated in the TT demanding that all investment be directed to SE Asia and, even better, Central America. but maybe someone with better training in economics can speak up here for or against this.

[quote=“xxxamtaipei”]Heaven forbid a newspaper take itself seriously.

There’s a lot of politics and boring crap in the TT, for sure, but I’m not sure describing it as taking itself "soooo (right number of “o"s here?)” seriously is something that anyone at the paper would either deny or seek to change since the alternative is to produce a half-assed, joke paper which Taipei already has. [/quote]

Are we to believe that there is only a choice of being “soooo serious” on the one hand or be a “half-assed, joke” on the other hand, and that there is absolutely no choice anywhere in between these two?

Chine Post RULES!!!(blue) :laughing: