liǎnshū xiāmèi 臉書瞎妹

Hi there, longtime lurker first time poster. Someone please tell an English for 臉書瞎妹…

tks, heaps

I asked one of the younger teachers in my cram school. At first she had trouble understanding what I was talking about (maybe because of my pronunciation). She dealt with the first word individually. She said 瞎妹 means “silly”; presumably she meant “silly young woman.” Then I think I asked her if 臉書瞎妹 meant “silly Facebook [girl? I think I said girl],” or something like that, and she seemed to agree with that. She specifically said that the term was negative.

The Liberty Times seems to have an article on the subject:

This Apple Daily article also seems to be talking about it (I guess the two articles are essentially the same):

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Where I come from, this is called a “cretin.”

I guess we’d just say “Facebook bimbo” in lieu of any newly coined phrase.

Hmm. Well . . . . :slight_smile:

(We need an emoticon for a non-committal smile.)


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