What does it mean?
Sounds like “Two bacon and egg sandwiches, thankyou.”
At a guess, two one hundred dry egg sandwiches. Thank you.
“liangge peigen dan sanmingzhi, xiexie!”
Two bacon and egg sandwiches, thank you.
. . . in typical Taiwanese chabuduo zhuyi hao pinyin.
“liangge peigen dan sanmingzhi, xiexie!”
Two bacon and egg sandwiches, thank you.[/quote]
Sorry Chris, but I think you’re off the mark.
Although there appears to be some mistakes in the pinyin, it more closely resembles this:
兩 個 陪 幹 丹 三 名 姐, 洩 洩
liang ge pay gan dan san ming je, xie xie
It’s a very compact personal ad. The author is asking for two people (兩個) to accompany (陪) him to make love to (幹) three ladies from Denmark (丹三名姐) in order to blow off some steam or release some tension (洩洩).
“liangge peigen dan sanmingzhi, xiexie!”
Two bacon and egg sandwiches, thank you.[/quote]
Sorry Chris, but I think you’re off the mark.
Although there appears to be some mistakes in the Pinyin, it more closely resembles this:
兩 個 陪 幹 丹 三 名 姐, 洩 洩
liang ge pay gan dan san ming je, xie xie
It’s a very compact personal ad. The author is asking for two people (兩個) to accompany (陪) him to make love to (幹) three ladies from Denmark (丹三名姐) in order to blow off some steam or release some tension (洩洩).[/quote]
He’s damned right!