I can not for the life of me understand the duplicity of the UN and liberal left wing attitudes in general. Liberia is a quagmire plain and simple as the plan put forth by that useless organization known as the UN has done. Seems they didn’t have enough UN peacekeepers skinned alive or held hostage last time.
For a brief introduction:
economist.com/world/africa/displ … id=1893195
What any armed force in Liberia will face:
1- Competing factions with no history of even civil behavior to civilians or enemy comabatants.
2- Young teenagers high on coke and/or crank shooting at you with AK-47s. Do you understand that they will have to be killed if they enter combat? How much real choice do they have under their drug influenced brains? SOme of these kids are hardened killers by now.
3- Nation building yet again. This means a from the ground up rebuilding effort, with a truth commission, new professional army, schools and a reliable banking industry with a currency.
4- A country deeply scarred by current and past atrocities.
You can’t just go down to Liberia and stick a bunch of soldiers in blue helmets there and say, “please stay here till they stop shooting at each other.” It’s not going to work. You have to be proactive and engage people at all levels of society. This includes fighting a just fight and taking out the means of support for your enemy despite charges of wanting to plunder them(Diamond fields will have to be secured, to cut off funding of rebels).
The reason that the British were so successful in Sierra Leone was because while British regular troops were securing the country. British special forces were hunting people in the bush who sought to do them harm. I’m sure the French are doing similiar things in Congo.
Personally I think a US mission to Liberia would be a worthwhile cause with restrictions.
US troops must be under US or NATO command with a clear objective and goal. They are not human shields. A clear picture of what they will face and why must be put forth to the American public. A plan must be put forth for the rebuilding of Liberia, before US troops are committed.
Liberia currently does not have WMD capability or productive capacity nor is it a known terrorist haven yet. It does destabilize its neighbors and commit human atrocities. Al Qaeda has used the illegal diamond trade to dund its operations. Expect for the WMD, it bears a remarkable resemblance to Iraq and the reasons for the regime change.
To Big Dunc,
Please learn how to put forward logical arguments like a normal person and give up on the soundbite remarks. I will not engage in your banter like Tigerman as I know you have neither the faculties nor the sense to respond in like.