Libraries?English books

This post was previously deleted from tealit!!

I’m looking for a library where I can find books on politics and diplomacy, etc in ENGLISH. I’m here on a visitor visa --a problem for checking out books I’d guess. Nevertheless I still want to know where I can go. HElp Thanks!!

The Taipei Public libray on Jian Guo South road (east side of Daan Park) has a reasonable western section on the 5th floor. I don’t know if you can borrow on a visitors visa. You can’t miss the 12(?) floor building as it is full of books, seniors surfing the web and hundreds of sleeping people at the “study” desks

i would imagine the taipei universities to have quite a selection of western books. the local uni’s here seem to have a decent collection (especially journals), though not like back home. you might wanna check it out, and see if you know anyone who attends a college/uni.