Lien/Soong will sell out Taiwan

No. When KMT aims at its victims, they’ll not live to elaborate. :laughing:

Dude, the KMT has ruled before, and will probably be again if not this term, maybe the next term. Not a day has it been proven that they sell Taiwan to China, not in the “Chiang dynasties”, not under Taiwanese Lee. I don’t see why this sell-out rumor can be true. In fact, the Communists were enemies to the KMT, remember? I see this rumor more as a McCarthian red scare.

I see your parents live in the US so they probably have green cards or citizenship. I guess that makes your parent love Taiwan any less?

Don’t forget that Lien’s dad was born in Taiwan and is a true Taiwan native. And what if Lien recognize himself as Chinese, so what? Does that necessarily means he is out to join PRC?

I’m a Taiwanese decendent. My dad’s family has lived in Taiwan for 17 generations. My mom’s family I’m not so sure. But they’re hakka and has been in Taiwan for a long time. I was born in Taiwan. I have been brought up under KMT rule till my 7th grade. You can safely say I’m brainwashed to be Chinese. OK. But I don’t see how that affects how much I love Taiwan. Go ahead and attack me, tellimg me I love Taiwan any less than you do.

In actuality, ethnicity doesn’t matter. By telling yourself being 中國人 it used to mean just ethnicity, not that you like to be ruled under PRC. Now this term has gotten political but the old-timer are still emotionally attach to that term. But really it doesn’t matter. I still don’t relate ones’ ability to govern a country has anything to do with ethnicity. Most likely few mainlanders would wanna sell-out Taiwan. What makes them come to Taiwan in the first place? To run away from the PRC.

But isn’t the Taiwanese langauge really just “minnanhua” though? It is also speaking in a part of China. With the same mind set the same thing can be said about 山東人 not a part of China, 上海人 not a part of China, Mongolian not a part of China, as well as every local languages spoken in China.

I have not verfy this but I’ve heard that Mandarin is actually not a Han language. It’s the language spoken by 滿人. Taiwanese actually relates more closely to Han than Marndarin does. Given that Han is the majority of the Chinese composite, it is more correct to say that the Taiwanese language is more “Chinese” than Mandarin is.

China is China because of political force. Not ethnicity really. I think ethnicity should never be part of the equation when considering Taiwan independence. Rather, economy, stability, politics should be considered. If independence can be done to Taiwan’s advantage with little risk then I’m all for it.

Are you claiming that Mandarin was the language of the Manchus? That’s not true. The (now nearly extinct) Manchu language was an Altaic language related to Mongolian, not a Sino-Tibetan language. Perhaps some Chinese are mistaken because the Manchus borrowed some Chinese characters to develop their own script (their written language did not exist before the Qing dynasty conquered China), so you’re confused. Korean and Japanese also borrow Chinese script but are unrelated to the Chinese language family.

spies among us?

"As one of the common folks now living in the U.S., I can merely hope this wasn’t a conspiracy,
it’s a dangerous game to play, and the outcomes will be very hard to predict from this point on,
I just want to remind my fellow Taiwanese, no matter what your preference is, the solution has to be peaceful, any violent confrontations will most likely result in lives lost, do remember there are countless Chinese spies living among us, and they are waiting to write some good reports back to Bejing about how wise they were to use such event to inflict further damaging to our democracy.

Back in '89, while I was still serving under Airborne special command, I had encountered several Chinese spies making converations with me or my friends and tried to gathered infomations on what’s happening inside our camp, even a tiny bit will interest them in that matter,(so they can write more reports), so do know this, Spies do live among us, and they are waiting, be careful, be careful!

Posted by: TNT at March 21, 2004 08:49 AM"

James Soong should go back to suppressing dissidents and Lien Chan should go back to beating his wife and cheating on his taxes.

It’s where their expertise lies.

Soong may get some important post in President Chen’s new “Executive Lineup.”

Is there the possibility of a merger of the PFP and DPP??

Richard, I`ve been getting the impression lately that this is not going to happen. What do you predict the relationship will be between these two parties?