Life after criminal offenses

A good vocational program would help place them in reasonable jobs. I don’t expect many to go for rocket science. It may indeed be labor jobs like construction. But it’s a job that keeps them away from prison.

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Sad but true…

Many of them think like children because they often still are children, mentally and emotionally. And after a certain point, it’s really, really hard to grow up.

Some of them actually prefer to be in prison because it gives their lives the structure they need.


Lots of people doing something to help them slowly rebuild structure before letting them loose freely into society. They can live in halfway houses that make them earn their keep and pay for therapists with the money they earn in exchange for shorter sentences or some of their sentences done in these programs. Lots of them can’t even use the computer, let alone write a resume. We had classes for that and work with the local donation center to get some clothes for interviews and work.

But they must earn this right with good behaviors of course.

Some of them has had some really fucked up shit happened to them. We worked with war vets, people who were abused since kids, rape victims (a lot more male victims then most think)

The longer they stay in prison, the less likely they are able to get back into society.

Oh absolutely. It’s really hard to secure enough of the staff needed to help them out, though. A lot of people would be afraid to work in that environment. I sure would be.

Not really, therapists don’t become therapists because the job is easy and the pay is good. They usually become therapists because of someone in their life and are very eager to help, for free often
A lot of the staff are actually ex cons and addicts themselves.

I mean non-professionals like volunteers. They certainly need a lot more hands than just the therapists.

Almost everyone is employed with them being ex cons and former addicts. Most volunteers were family.

Many churches, synagogues etc came to help and had service. They invited them to Jewish Shabbat on Fridays for dinner every week.

Totally agree! My kids are then exposed to this hidden risk but if you have an DUI you can’t even try any work here.


The other day my wife was uploading some baby videos of herself onto YouTube to share with her family members (who all work in government/politics here). In some of the baby videos she’s nude, so naturally YouTube took them down for obvious reasons.

This then devolved into her family talking about how YouTube is a forign company and ONLY foreigners would think such horrible things about children, NOT Taiwanese. Taiwan needs to work towards making sure we (the government) provide extra security checks to foreigners working/living here with and around kids as a lot of foreigners think about “sick stuff”ect ect…

Kinda off topic, but I found this to be a funny way of how some older people (who work in government) view things here.

This is such a heartbreaking fact. As a parent it affects a lot my thinking. But if you expect to raise your child here and have them study all the way in a taiwan then what can be done? I mean in the beginning is fine, maybe even until they finish elementary school is ok to not send to a buxiban or to send them just a few days a week. But from junior high on, based on the study load, it is almost impossible to keep up if they don’t have reinforcement after class. Would like to read how foreign parents (who plan to have kids finish education here) have dealt with. Maybe open a different topic to discuss. This is something a feel between the cross and the sword (country saying).

Child abuse, especially sexual and violence, is extremely difficult to cope with as an adult and even be treated without pouring an enormous amount of persistence and money with experienced therapists. If the person already committed a crime because of the psychological sequels I believe it is even harder to rehabilitate. Best to narrow the areas where they could work. Not saying they should not work but it is much more dangerous if they work with/around vulnerable people (kids, teens, elderly) than not. They can be helpful to society in other ways.

There, a much better way to help society than having them working around kids.

Edit: typo

Yea, right. We would ‘think’ about preventing it because we know this happens. But Taiwanese just think if they don’t talk about it it doesn’t exist. Losing face much?
As they say 面對問題是決解問題的第一步

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Sure, I agree they should probably not work with kids if they sexually abused a child. Just saying denying them of jobs and not giving them some sort of rehabilitation isn’t good either.

Jesus wept

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child prostitution in Tauwan

My kids are in elementary school it works currently as my wife is their full time career, housewife basically. We have enough income to do it right now. Later I don’t know.
For very young children it’s really really hard for them to be separated for so long every day and out of the house so long. It’s not right.

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It really does suck to be a kid in Taiwan in this regard. If your parents work long hours, you end up spending more time at school than you do at home, and for a little kid that can be pretty overwhelming. As for the older kids, I know someone who teaches junior high school aged students and he says the difference between 7th grade and 8th grade, as they really start gearing up to take high school entrance exams, is stark. His 7th graders still enjoy life and school. The 8th graders just show up every day looking completely dead inside. For some of his 9th graders, the stress is already making their hair turn white.

I am speechless with this data

When mine was in elementary school the days spent at buxiban were 2 only, because there was really no way to catch with the demandam of the school. Right now in junior high it is almost impossible. I have even thought about just going elsewhere so that this suffering is minimized.