Linux or Windows Based Web Hosting~What's our best option?

I know nothing about this stuff. Here’s our website It’s a windows based website according to Miltownkid. I had no idea there were different ones, and I don’t know how he was able to tell that our website is window based.

Anyways, the question is which one is best for what we do? Here’s a good example of what we would like our site to be like eventually:

We also are currently seeking a volunteer webmaster, so I’m interested to know which of the two ways is more popular and more likely to be easier to find someone to maintain and update the website?

If I think of other questions, I’ll post em later.

Thanks in advance.

bobepine I think you wont notice the difference and if you are just hosting images/web pages etc for the site I cant see how it would make any difference (Im sure someone may prove me wrong here :slight_smile: ) I would just go with the linux hosting packages.

As for how he could tell, check this out:

Non-existent page requests use the server’s error page, which shows its information.

If you’re running a fairly simple site - no forums or shopping carts or stuff like that - it doesn’t really make much difference which you use. If you want to do interactive stuff, it only matters in that most web people prefer to work with Linux servers.

I’d go with Linux, though I know much less than about Windows!


That and the site uses ASP (all the pages have the .asp extention.) I know there’s some Linux thing that can fake ASP, but I wouldn’t recommend using it (useless someone knows the deal with that.) Whoever designed the site for you should be able to tell you why you need Windows hosting, unless you’re starting from scratch.

We are thinking of starting from scratch if

  1. Linux is better than windows for what it is that we need to do.

  2. It’s easier to find someone to maintain the site with Linux.

  3. Our current site can not be modified a lot in order to look more like AT’s website

So far all inconclusive. I’m gathering that Linux is more popular, but not necessarily better for us.

Our site is hosted out of Vietnam, and the guy who programmed it is no longer available to do maintenance as he is now back in Vietnam and busy. It’s one of those “dynamic” website that enables us to upload images and text without programming anything. Problem is, that’s all we are able to change on the site now: Text and images. So that’s why I thought I’d ask which one is best for us for the long run. If Linux is better, maybe starting from scratch is the way to go. :idunno:


I’d recommend going with a template and out-of-the-box solution like an open-source solution. That would mean going with Linux & PHP. Windows and ASP stuff requires hands-on maintenance and yours unfortunately is now in Vietnam. While Taiwan has a lot of Windows/ASP guys (dime a dozen), quality varies and your organization probably doesn’t need the hassle.

miltownkid has had experience with setting people up with simple but effective solutions.

Good luck!