List of Adult Teaching Schools

You wanna make some money and do a ‘real’ teaching job, Kids or adults?

  • Kids
  • Adults
  • Something else…
0 voters

err, as a note, I’ve ripped most of this info from a different post (sorry mod if this is cross posting, but I thought I’d do it since that thread is highly irrelevent to people looking for a list/contact addresses of adult ESL schools, plus it is now locked so no additions possible, and I was about to ask the same question - note I have edited tmwc’s list a little with my own comments)

So here’s my suggestion, just post up info: addresses, contacts and personal experience at each school. I think this would be useful for people looking around at the adult ESL market.

[Unattributed quotes removed by moderator]

It’s a good idea, Itakitez, and thanks for getting the ball rolling. However, as it stood, your post contained unattributed quotations from various people mixed in with your own comments, plus some irrelevant stuff from the other thread.

Here’s a better way of doing it. Feel free to add your own comments again, but do make it clear which are your comments and which are quotations from other people.

[quote=“Quarters”]Luby English Learning Center

Talk to Chip Chiou
They have Adult classes and the pay is ok.

Taipei Branch:
2F, No. 350, Fu-Hsing N. Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104

Phone: 02-2518-3591


Yes. Some of the schools teaching adults are David’s, Global Village, Elite, GEOS and GJun (I have no idea how to pronounce it - in Chinese it is Jujiang) and the YMCA and YWCA, and the China Post. These competing schools are often grouped together in the same area or even the same building. Nanjing East Road to the west of the Songjiang Road intersection is one such place.[/quote][quote=“tmwc”]Some names for you:
Berlitz: do it our way, wear a tie, and expect to be poorly-paid.
GJUN: invited me to interview and demo recently after I had told them my minimum payment expectations, then told me that they never pay anyone more than 650/hr. Wankers.
GVLC, GEOS: seem to hire just about anybody who is willing to work for less than 600/hr
David’s, William’s: A bit better than the above, apparently, but not great payers.
Hess: Often get overlooked, but they do corporate English classes and they’re fairly professional.
Elite, Trinity, Time, Howard: pretty fair employers who offer decent renumeration. General English and also exam prep classes
Excell, Cambridge: Focus on IELTS prep, well paid, foreign managed
Steve Loi: an agent with a pretty good reputation.
Wall Street: Don’t know much about them, but there are people here who do.
Foresight: Not adult classes, but high school - ie daytime work. Pay and conditions vary, but reasonably well-run.
Studio Classroom, Live ABC: Poorly-paid writing work for educational magazines. All writing work is poorly-paid, btw, but it’s a day job.
Lado Consultants: Business English and writing work. Pretty well-paid from what I hear, and they take some real weirdoes.[/quote][quote=“Yellow Cartman”]You may want to check out B.E.S.T. (Business English Services & Training)[/quote]
Any more listings welcome. However, let’s keep this a concise list. For detailed discussion of any particular school, posters should start a separate thread.

If we could get locations/web sites/contact info for any of these places, that’d be really helpful as well. I’m watching this post like a hawk.

[quote=“herringbone”]If we could get locations/web sites/contact info for any of these places, that’d be really helpful as well. I’m watching this post like a hawk.[/quote]You can get that info through Google for most of the places mentioned. If you’re finding it tricky, go to advanced search and specify results from .tw sites only.

Thanks, Joe. I did try that earlier today, but didn’t come up with an awful lot. I’ll try the .tw bit now, but it’d be helpful, regardless, to have the sites handy in this topic (if anyone has them bookmarked, or otherwise close by).

Much appreciated all-around. Very handy list.


Edit: Just to clarify a bit, I’m looking for Trinity, Time, Excel, and Cambridge, which I haven’t been able to find sites for. It’s probably just because their names are such widely used words. I see a lot of language schools in the UK with these names, but nothing for Taiwan thus far. Again, any help’s much appreciated, and if I find any of them, I’ll gladly post the info.

[quote=“herringbone”]Edit: Just to clarify a bit, I’m looking for Trinity, Time, Excel, and Cambridge, which I haven’t been able to find sites for. It’s probably just because their names are such widely used words. I see a lot of language schools in the UK with these names, but nothing for Taiwan thus far. Again, any help’s much appreciated, and if I find any of them, I’ll gladly post the info.[/quote]I Googled up the sites for Trinity and Cambridge:
I don’t think anyone mentioned Merica. Here’s their site:
I couldn’t turn up anything for the other two schools you mentioned. But I didn’t spend very much time looking. Perhaps a more thorough search would find the relevant sites.


Not much point getting this info as the sites are geared towards recruiting students and mostly in Chinese.

Elite are at #12 Xinyang St, close to the Post Office on Nanyang St. (Buxiban Alley) Ask for Joyce or Jenny, after 1pm.

Trinity is on Xiu (sp?) chang St, one block north from Elite (Behind the big tall building at MRT exit 4) I guess Jessica is the person to ask for, but maybe someone else can advise?

Time are one block east on the same road, I think.

Don’t forget Howard, just south of the Post Office on Nanyang St.

Excel are out at Zhongxiao Dunhua. 7F, 169 Zhongxiao E Rd, sec 4. Ask for Gary.

There’s also a branch of Time in that area, I think it’s on the other side of the road. Trinity have a small school close to Sogo (you have to walk through a shoe shop to get to it.) you could check out at the same time. And Elite have a school on the south side of Zhongxiao on a corner between Fuxing and Dunhua. (Ask for Claire.)

Hope this helps.


Not much point getting this info as the sites are geared towards recruiting students and mostly in Chinese.

Elite are at #12 Xinyang St, close to the Post Office on Nanyang St. (Buxiban Alley) Ask for Joyce or Jenny, after 1pm.

Trinity is on Xiu (sp?) chang St, one block north from Elite (Behind the big tall building at MRT exit 4) I guess Jessica is the person to ask for, but maybe someone else can advise?


Elite: Now called GoGo. So you may want to look out for that sign instead of the Elite one. At least, the pizza hut one has changed. Has the Sogo branch changed too? Is it really called SoGo GoGo?

Trinity: No more Jessica or Daniel. Ask for James. Or Jack.

Gogo is the overseas study part of the business. They help students find study places, which is the main reason many of them are studying English anyway. The teaching business is still called Elite.

Nobody mentioned Wall Street Institute. Does anyone know anything about them? I heard recently that the Chit Chat Cafe was closing down.

Another one is Taiwan Anglo French Institute - - They’re on Heping just around the corner from the ‘Technology Building’ MRT.