It’s a good idea, Itakitez, and thanks for getting the ball rolling. However, as it stood, your post contained unattributed quotations from various people mixed in with your own comments, plus some irrelevant stuff from the other thread.
Here’s a better way of doing it. Feel free to add your own comments again, but do make it clear which are your comments and which are quotations from other people.
[quote=“Quarters”]Luby English Learning Center
Talk to Chip Chiou
They have Adult classes and the pay is ok.
Taipei Branch:
2F, No. 350, Fu-Hsing N. Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104
Phone: 02-2518-3591
Yes. Some of the schools teaching adults are David’s, Global Village, Elite, GEOS and GJun (I have no idea how to pronounce it - in Chinese it is Jujiang) and the YMCA and YWCA, and the China Post. These competing schools are often grouped together in the same area or even the same building. Nanjing East Road to the west of the Songjiang Road intersection is one such place.[/quote][quote=“tmwc”]Some names for you:
Berlitz: do it our way, wear a tie, and expect to be poorly-paid.
GJUN: invited me to interview and demo recently after I had told them my minimum payment expectations, then told me that they never pay anyone more than 650/hr. Wankers.
GVLC, GEOS: seem to hire just about anybody who is willing to work for less than 600/hr
David’s, William’s: A bit better than the above, apparently, but not great payers.
Hess: Often get overlooked, but they do corporate English classes and they’re fairly professional.
Elite, Trinity, Time, Howard: pretty fair employers who offer decent renumeration. General English and also exam prep classes
Excell, Cambridge: Focus on IELTS prep, well paid, foreign managed
Steve Loi: an agent with a pretty good reputation.
Wall Street: Don’t know much about them, but there are people here who do.
Foresight: Not adult classes, but high school - ie daytime work. Pay and conditions vary, but reasonably well-run.
Studio Classroom, Live ABC: Poorly-paid writing work for educational magazines. All writing work is poorly-paid, btw, but it’s a day job.
Lado Consultants: Business English and writing work. Pretty well-paid from what I hear, and they take some real weirdoes.[/quote][quote=“Yellow Cartman”]You may want to check out B.E.S.T. (Business English Services & Training)[/quote]
Any more listings welcome. However, let’s keep this a concise list. For detailed discussion of any particular school, posters should start a separate thread.