List of things included under ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS

For the past 4 years, my husband and I have been filing a joint income and each year, we simply use the general deduction. A colleague told me it would be wiser to apply for itemized deductions. But, I am not sure what I can include.

  1. Life/Health Insurance under ING - How much can a person file for? I pay around 80,000/year. My son pays 15,000/year. ING sends me a statement for tax purpose.

  2. House Payments - We just bought a house and are paying a monthly installment of 30,000. Can I include the amounts we have paid so far? Should I get a certificate from the bank as proof?

  3. What other items can I include?

Family situation: Husband works, wife works (but school does not give tax receipt), 2 kids (one in elementary, the other still a toddler)

Given this scenarion, should I apply the general deduction or the itemized deduction?

This is a useful site that will give you a lot of the information you requested above: … 52&tr_id=7

By my experience, the tax office is very helpful when you go to file and they will pretty much do everything for you based on which scenario benefits you the most.

Good luck!

Thanks. The site was very helpful.