Living in Hualien = boring?

If you don’t like living in the countryside and you’re not a fan of earthquakes…dafuq are you doing in Hualien?

Next you’ll say you don’t enjoy typhoons, geez…

Maybe, who can control nature?

No one can, but one can control where they live…

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I stand corrected. Forgot about this chick too:


…well she can control some parts of nature

Xi would eat her for breakfast and ask for seconds.

There’s plenty more where that came from…

Hmm, she’d go well with bean milk and oil sticks.

She can control my nature.

Are you saying nature calls?

If it wasn’t for nature I could be an astronaut, brain surgeon, and leader of the free world all at the same time.

I was talking about tinkling, but…yeah.

If you’re into the pub scene or maybe lots of concerts, I can see how you would think Hualien is boring, but otherwise, I don’t get that at all from Hualien. But for me a perfect weekend day might include a workout in the morning, doing something outdoors or at the pool with the wife and family during the day, and then getting a good meal with drinks for dinner. So for me, Hualien is just as good and in many respects better than life in Taipei.

I started to find it boring after about 7 years. There’s only so many hiking trails / bike-rides etc. in the area. Night-life should be way better, given the size of the town. I prefer Taidong for this.

But whenever friends & I discuss this issue, we always come back to the great air quality and relative lack of pollution. You can’t buy that.


And that is nothing to sneeze at. I frequently compare the pollution level here in Taipei with that in Hualien, and increasingly often wish I was there.

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Depending on location, Hualien can have pretty bad noise pollution from the air force jets. Sometimes they fly super low and buzz the city and loop around and do it multiple times. it’s a helluva sound and it’s so close you can see all the details of the bottom of the plane. Taidong has the same issue but to a lesser extent.

Hualien has super clean air. I would live there just for that.

Agree that the jets can be a problem, depending on location. Although I’d say Taidong has it worse in that respect. Everytime I’m there and downtown, there seems to be planes constantly looping.

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Although I was there for a day years ago, I am looking forward to spending a few days there ( and Taroko) in the end of February next year - hopefully the weather will be ok.

Yeah, recently went rental house hunting there and was pretty much set to seal the deal on a place close-by the sunday night market and forest park when on a final walk through a jet flying super low blasted over us. After living under a jet path in Hualien over the past year I just couldn’t sign on for more of that in Taitung.