Living on your own in Taiwan

My missus was just travelling in Europe for a month. It was a great chance to do all sorts of DIY projects I can’t do while she’s around and demanding attention. I went flying every weekend (as usual) but didn’t have to feel guilty about abandoning her. But for the shocking amount she ran up on her cc while away I’d send her travelling more often. :wink:

Baldur’s Gate. I forget that I am in … what’s the name of this hole here … when playing it.

When I was in TW I had a really strange working schedule and don’t really have weekend off and was also living in a dorm at work. Most of the time I am alone so I learned how to deal with it.

  • go on line, read news, forumosa
  • window shopping- Shilin, Sogo area, Shi-I area, walk walk walk!!
  • I go to movies on Wed am by myself, its a different experience
  • trying to hang out with friends
  • read books and magazines

mostly just walk around the city again,…

You could always clean the house. You’re living in a nice abode. I’ve been thinking about moving to Yangmei myself but somebody has been dumping bodies up your way on the back tracks there.

I like the idea of listening to the water rushing down the rivers there.

If it didn’t rain so much where you are I would have suggested taking a walk by the stream or reading a book under a tree.

Been living alone for 12 years,
now that my gal and I split ya think it would be quiet, fat chance.
I got friends coming around bugging me all the time.

I even rented a house out in the country- still having friends coming out of the woodwork and rowdy times.

I’m a great fan of Thomas Merton and the transendentalists.
(no they ain’t a southern rock band)

Coming from a big family I took my ma’s advice,“You should live faraway by yourself where no one speaks your language, and get a maid!!.”

Taiwan is a self-enforced-exile.

I just don’t like people that much.

I have no problem entertaining myself when the old lady, erm, the missus is away. I go up on the roof, drink beer and play guitar for a while, or drink beer and surreptitiously shoot off fireworks at the loudmouths and shit-talkers in the neighborhood. Either that, or I enjoy a good countertop meal of proper bread and some stinky cheese, or just go for a looong motorcycle ride in the mountains, or a bike ride down to the waterfront.
It’s really a no-brainer. I miss my wife a lot after more than a day apart, but at the same time, a little time away to re-group helps make the time together go better! :smiley:

Well, I suppose you could…

Read books aloud, acting out the dialogues
Sing out loud to all those tunes your s.o. begs you not to sing
Relish your complete control over the remote control
Take as long of a shower as you want without having someone pound on the bathroom door
Enjoy having the whole bed to yourself without someone taking the covers

I can’t believe no one’s mentioned the one great thing about living alone: walking around in as few articles of clothing as you want (and yes, you’re naked even if you’re wearing a smile). That’s the single most best part of living alone. And I’m sure your neighbors will be happy when your wife returns. :wink:

You can do that if you have a SO too. One of my happiest memories of the now-departed bikerchick is watching her clean her teeth, with one hand on the wall and the other industriously creating wave action. I have a photo somewhere, but I’m not sharing.

Well i am almost 30 and have never lived alone; in the summer i will be moving into my own pad and i CAN’T WAIT. I love living with others, but after a while it just grates :noway: