Locks/ locking techniques?

My bike is far from the most expensive, but I like it and it would piss me off to no end if it got stolen. I currently use a coiled cable with built in combo lock, and ususally run it over the rear rack and through the rear wheel, like many Taiwanese people do. I’ve never locke it to anything except my daughter’s bike when out and about since there’s usually not anything to lock it to.
What type of lock do you use? How/where do you lock your bike when not at home? Have you had one stolen when locked? Where do you ususally lock your bike, big city, small city, town, etc?

I had one bike stolen that was locked with a coiled cable. Really easy to cut. The long padlock is better and I only put my bike inline with the scooters (thieves can’t see it driving by) and put the lock thru the rear fork and spokes. I also never have to leave it out overnight.