Looking 4 Football/soccer partners in DanShui

Hi everyone,
I live very close to Tamkan University, there’s an awsome football field on a hill there, you can see the ocean from the spot.
Since Tamkan has lots of foreign students, I figured you can play there. I studied there before too, so I can talk to the people in charge once there’s a team. I’m just not sure how many people would like to join (DanShui is a bit far from Taipei as you know). There are three of us already, so If you live nearby and you’d like to play, post here.

An “awesome field”"? Tell us more. As you may know, the Bailingqiao pitches (where the friggin’ Taiwan NATIONAL teams practice for Chrissake) are crap and the Dajia Riverside is even worse. I’d be willing to travel many moons just to fall down and skin my knee on some decent grass.

hi DogVomit, thanks for the reply. Apparently there are no people here wanting to play so you need to bring people over.
If you want to check out the field let me know, I’ll give you my phone. You’ll need to get to DanShui MRT, then I’ll drive you there (also an 8 min walk).

Well…if you are looking for a nice football field, National Chiao Tung University is definitely your choice.
Oh…but it is in Hsin Chu…:stuck_out_tongue: