Looking for a Good Game

Hello guys I am looking for a game with good pvp and pve, something that is somewhat similar to how AL was back in the day where you would level up and farm to get good equipments which you can use for pvp. Thank you very much. If you cannot find such game then any pvp game that has classes would be great.

What is AL?

I guess you are not into card or board games.

Man I’m old. I had to look up every one of those initialisms and I still don’t know what AL is.

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do you like mmorpgs?

Unfortunately these are dark times for mmorpgs, not a lot of variety or exciting new releases. There has been a resurgence in the player base of WoW due to the release of official vanilla servers.
If you’re mostly interested in pvp, Guild Wars 2 is now free to play (at least the core game), and there’s a great amount of pve content to go through.
Camelot Unchained, the spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot, is currently in the workings but the release date is yet to be known. It will be focused entirely on pvp with very minor pve content.

Talking mobile there’s a gorillion “”“free”"" mmorpgs that look like a copy of each other; level up -> get some gear -> oh shit game progression is now extremely slow due to some timers/rng loot etc -> better grab the credit card if you want to keep playing, you wouldn’t want to waste all the progress you’ve done so far, right?

If you’ve never tried them, games like Pubg, Rust, Fortnite and their endless clones can be very fun and don’t require the time investment of a moorpg. You start the game essentially naked, collect loot, fight other people. In Rust you have an open server where you can build your house, do farming etc until server reset, while Pubg and Fortnite are battle royale games where at the end of the round everything starts from scratch.

If I had the time for a classic fantasy mmorpg, I’d probably reinstall Guild Wars 2 while waiting for Camelot Unchained.

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Oldschool Runescape :slight_smile: