Looking for application for open work permit for APRC holders

Looking for application for open work permit for APRC holders.

Let me know where to get it.
Thank you

but whats am APRC ISSUE in the first place, if a dumb question is allowed. what are the conditions and chances of getting a working visa?>


Search the archives!

I’m also looking for one and the search of the archives doesn’t turn up what I’m looking for.


I can’t find the information I’m looking for on that website.

Can anybody tell me where to get the application for open work permit?
I need to to get a open work permit asap…

[quote=“Toeki”]Can anybody tell me where to get the application for open work permit?

Employment and Vocational Training Administration
Council of Labor Affairs
Executive Yuan
No. 83 Yen Ping North Road, Sec. 2
Taipei 103, Taiwan

You need to ask for an application under ESA Article 51.01.05.