Looking for dentist (Taipei) who can put me under (sedation) to extract wisdom teeth

I ended up going with Taipei Medical University Hospital, because they offer sedation and could offer a greater range of treatments that my wife needed, so we could arrange some of our visits together. Sedation was 10k/hour, but there was a delay of a couple months before the anaesthesiologist was available. My experience there was that they were careful to do everything thoroughly and by the book. The major drawback is that it can take longer to complete anything requiring multiple appointments, because most of the dentists are only there certain days of the week.

Before that I visited An-Mei Implant Center in Neihu. Would have probably been faster to schedule everything there. But they specialize in implants and will try to upsell you on extras you don’t need, and may not suggest alternative options that may better fit your needs.


Fantastic thanks for the advice, I will look into both.

I had my wisdom taken out back home in an office in the afternoon with laughing gas (nitros oxide).

Didn’t know or feel or remember anything.

Walked out happy as a clown the next hour or so.

Is nitros not a thing in Taiwan?

Really, with topical anesthesia that numbs everything so don’t feel the following small injections of more anesthesia, won’t really feel anything except discomfort of mouth wide open.

Do it on vacation in Thailand :slight_smile: