Looking for english doctor, liver tests etc etc

Hey guys, I’m from Germany. I’ve had quite a bad life style and in china got diagnostic larger spleen …

I know i was a bit too much of a party guy i would like to test my liver and stuff, also i have chronic tonsilitis which means a weak immune system and i get easily sick.

Is there any really good doctors. Im a model here staying 2 month in taipei, is it possible to get a appointment and results on time?

would appreciate help, thanks guys

Physical exam center on the first floor of Taiwan Adventist Hospital. English speaking doctors … they’ll do you right.


[quote=“Opihiman”]Physical exam center on the first floor of Taiwan Adventist Hospital. English speaking doctors … they’ll do you right.

Careful there which doctor your see. I ended up with an old guy that diagnoses by “look & feel”. Had to come back for checks after a few months and couldn’t recall the doc’s name so I asked for a name that looked familiar. Ended up with the “wrong” doctor, much younger but he actually first did an ultrasound to diagnose the actual cause. Can’t recall his name anymore but it’s something common like Lee, Tsai or Hsu.

Thanks so much for the info, but the last post makes me worry a bit. Im quite sensitvve when its about doctors in asia. Is there no international doctors, like in china they had doctors from the states and uk. for international companies and soldiers…

they cost more but i do trust them more.