Looking for haggis

I’m looking for haggis, or anything that looks and tastes like haggis, in Taipei, does anyone know where I can find it?

Thanks a lot!

This is the part

that really piques the imagination…

In a good way at least…? :s

heh heh heh… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

looking to NOT eat haggis, or anything that looks and tastes like haggis. I’m happy I moved to a haggis free zone.

you’ll have to make friends wth a butcher (butcher? street meat vendor? ) and make your own fancy offal sausage.

or perhaps make friends with sandman’s fancy sausage… if you squint and look at his avatar from underneath, you can just make out what i mean.

[you’ll have to make friends wth a butcher (butcher? street meat vendor? ) and make your own fancy offal sausage.

or perhaps make friends with sandman’s fancy sausage… if you squint and look at his avatar from underneath, you can just make out what i mean. ]

Easy there, I am only 19!!! I certianly… surely… definitely… have no idea!!!

[/looking to NOT eat haggis, or anything that looks and tastes like haggis. I’m happy I moved to a haggis free zone.]

It can’t be that awful… can it?

[quote]you’ll have to make friends wth a butcher (butcher? street meat vendor? ) and make your own fancy offal sausage.

or perhaps make friends with sandman’s fancy sausage… if you squint and look at his avatar from underneath, you can just make out what i mean.[/quote]

steady there, I am only 19!!! I certianly… surely… definitely… have no idea!!!

It can’t be that awful… can it?!

[quote=“annina”]steady there, I am only 19!!! I certianly… surely… definitely… have no idea!!!
It can’t be that awful… can it?![/quote]
Damn girl…my t-shirt is older than you. And YES…bad haggis can be that awful.

Taiwanese haggis!..the system quivers!

It definitely can be that awful. Bad haggis is really bad. On the other hand, good haggis is wonderful. There are three places in Scotland that I can think of that have really really good haggis. One is McSween’s the butcher in Edinburgh’s Bruntsfield area, one is the butcher in the village of Kingussie, 30 miles south of Inverness and the third is… I can’t remember.

Stick your tongue in a cats ass - tastes quite similar

Elegua wrote [quote]Stick your tongue in a cats ass - tastes quite similar[/quote]

Just a minute, I’m waiting for the laundry to dry.

ouch… now you are really killing the open-mindeed part of me! And I thought, being a Taiwanese, nothing shall scare me that bad!

He’s British you know…

And how do you know what that tastes like? :loco:

he was checking if his washing was dry.

all english men do it that way, didn’t you know? when they could be bothered wshing, that is. english cats are scared little creatures.

in australia, we use drop bears to dry our washing for us in the trees. they taste much better.

I’m not farking English. 17th generation N. Englander more like (so my mom tells me)

As for knowing what a cat ass tastes like… that’s between myself and the pussy.

Start at either end of the sheep and work your way inward… you’ll get to the haggis eventually. (baaa)

now i need a cat, a sheep and a long long tongue…

not sure if i expected all these things…