I found it about a year ago, perhaps (?) at RTMart, but haven’t found any since, at Wellman’s, Wellcome, Carrefour, Costco, RTMart, etc. I guess I’ll make my own, but … has anyone seen this locally? (Taipei)
It’s great with shrimp or fish sticks.
I found it about a year ago, perhaps (?) at RTMart, but haven’t found any since, at Wellman’s, Wellcome, Carrefour, Costco, RTMart, etc. I guess I’ll make my own, but … has anyone seen this locally? (Taipei)
It’s great with shrimp or fish sticks.
Party at Dragonbones’!
how do you make a cocktail out of that? something like a bloody hot mary?
no, haven’t seen it, but you may try jason’s TienMu/ 101 basement, or Breeze supermarket: they have a lot of western condiments.
[quote=“urodacus”]how do you make a cocktail out of that? something like a bloody hot mary?
No, it’s a catsup-like dipping sauce, as used for shrimp cocktail (an appetizer, not a drink).
I find it occasionally in obscure places but recently, I just make my own. I start with a tomato sauce base but ketchup works in a pinch. Crushed garlic, diced onions, HP steak sauce to taste, cumen to taste, black pepper, some dried red peppers, a splash of vinegar. If it seems a little bitter, add some brown sugar or mollases.
Fill a wine glass with salad shrip, top off with a dollop of sauce and hang 4-5 large boiled and shelled prawns on the outside of the glass. mmmmmmmm
Interesting. You have some unexpected ingredients in there – I’ll have to try it. Having pretty much given up on finding the convenient stuff in the inconvenient glass bottle, I just picked up the ingredients to make some today using this recipe (I got the horseradish at Wellman’s):
Heinz Chili Sauce and Cocktail Sauce
1 cup tomato puree or catsup
1/3 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 teaspoons dried onion flakes
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
OPTIONAL: 2 tsp. prepared horseradish to make Cocktail Sauce
Whisk all the ingredients together in a small saucepan. Place over medium heat.
When mixture begins to bubble reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
Cover and cool. Refrigerate (e.g., pour back into squeezable catsup bottle) when cold.
I’ll try that within a few days.
amazing how the english language morphs into so many variants… its not used in australia much in that sense.
i had heard of shrimp cocktails of course, i just always wondered how they kept the drink in their glass underwater…
I think you can get that sauce at the Wellcome (訂好) near the Ren’ai-Dunhua circle (on the south side of Ren’ai just west of the circle) and or at the Florida Bakery, on the south side of Ren’ai just east of Ren’ai Hospital.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it at those places, anyway.
Edit: I know it is available at the Florida Bakery. Just saw it the other day there.
Really, the Tienmu import grocery store “Wellman’s” has a Ren’ai-Dunhua branch, a 2nd store?! How did I not know that? Or did you mean the Wellcome supermarket?
EDIT: TM confirms by PM that he meant Wellcome. FYI.
I’m sure I saw that in my local Geant the other day, I’ll check next time I go there
I just remembered, it wasn’t in a shop I saw it, it was in a restaurant… sorry…
Thanks TM – I got some at Floriday Bakery, Ren Ai near Dunhua (Ren Ai Sec. 4, #26, 2702-1175). $98/bottle