Hey once again. I’m also looking for this spice. I’ve looked in Wellcome, Carrefour, Costco, and Citysuper, but no luck. Anyone have any ideas where I can find this?
P&P lists fresh and dried marjoram.
TEL : (02)2365-0633
I think I’ve also seen it at Wellman’s.
472, section 6, Zhongshan N. Rd., on the east side, next to a Subber and an oriental carpets place
I had some in a small local spice jar, but I haven’t been able to find it again and I have no idea where I bought it as I’m now out… argh!!!
I found it in Wellman’s. Thanks
How much did it cost and for how large a container?
If I recall correctly, Wellman’s spices are about NT$60 for jars that are 3" tall (the top 1" is lid and shaker, though), and wider than the typical ones in supermarkets. I don’t know the net weight.
It’s easy to grow in pots (although mine died because, um, I forgot to water it). You can get seeds from B&Q etc.
And imho the dried stuff tastes a bit odd.
That’s true of most dried herbs if you get used to fresh herbs. IMHO. Which is why I’ve got a zillion pots of herbs on my balcony.