I’ve got a lil girl dog, probably about a year and a half years old, all black except for some cute brown highlights by her ears, smallish medium sized, housetrained, spayed, inoculated, ADORABLE! She’s been well socialized to all sorts of different people, I walk with her without a leash, but can do leash too. She’s good with children, great with other dogs (love to get her into a house with another dog as she loves to play) FINALLY got over her chewing phase (thank god, nothing was safe a couple of months ago, including my favorite shirt.
Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. She nibbles on you when she’s really excited.
Anyways, I’ve got two of my own dogs and promised to limit myself to two, but saw Lore on the street (she’d been hit by a car and couldn’t use two of her legs) and couldn’t let her die. So she’s been with me for several months and we’re looking for a great forever home. I have to confess I’m a little picky- I’ve turned down two offers to take her (foreigners who hesitated when I asked if they would take her to their home country when they were ready to leave) but if you believe pet ownership is forever (til death do us part) please go ahead and pm me!
Here’s Lore Lore, cutest dog ever- her personality is even cuter than her looks:
Lore’s on the right, my dog Rommy’s on the left:
HOpe those pics will show up! They’re from her adoption ad.
can you also email me these photos and her info + contact info and i’ll add it to our animals tawian facebook fan page.
thanks that’s great!