Loss of citizenship through divorce

The proposal is to drop the “five years and you’re safe” rule for fraud cases. (The current wording of Art. 19 just says 與本法之規定不合 not conforming to the provisions of this Act, without specifying fraud.)

“The problem is that when marriage conflict erupts some husbands will ‘turn themselves in,’ stating that a real marriage was fake because they want to inflict pain on their wife and drive her out of the country. They can also use this to threaten their wives because all it takes is one sentence for the wife’s citizenship to be revoked,” she said. […]

“If a husband ‘turns himself in,’ he faces relatively little risk, but the wife faces losing her citizenship, insurance, social benefits and the right to work. Because she has already been forced to renounce her original citizenship, she becomes illegal and stateless at the same time,” Hsiao said.

I see no reason why this wouldn’t work with the genders switched (or with the same genders, for that matter).

Yeah, kind of wondering the same thing here. Have a situation where I was told that the marriage was a “favor” to me. Was also told the only reason I married was for an ARC. Neither of these two things is true…but with the way things are going, it would not surprise me if this level of underhanded tactic was not attempted.

Hopefully you can just get your APRC, get divorced, and never face trouble over it again. I have a hunch your ex-wife will also be happy to let it be water under the bridge.

Thanks all of those who offered advice. I have managed to swing a transfer
back to TW from Macau and will convert the arc (JPRV) to a working ARC thus
allowing me no breaks. I have 3 years on this ARC. I have the house and
will allow the divorce to take its natural course.

I think that if you convert your JFRV ARC to a working ARC this will your reset your clock to 0 in terms of APRC eligibility. Double check with that and tell me.

Agree, i will reset my clock to zero and then apply for a working visa. I don’t mind as I can be shot of her.

Sounds like it was a short marriage.

I would like to think so, but she is being a royal sex-rag about the issue. Threatening with lawyers…telling me outright that I will not get my APRC through her. Why is she pressing so god damned hard for a divorce?

Most likely because there is a new dude in the picture…and she is trying to get him to impregnate her. I wish that poor bastard luck…because she is the worst wife a man could ever have. She wasn’t working for two of the four years we were living in Taiwan. I carried her ass…she is looking for a rich dude to pay her way through life.

In America, women like that are looked down upon and since she is reaching an age where having babies becomes more difficult…and since her ovaries are rotten, I don’t see her achieving this.

It’s either that or it is for TAX reasons with her business. I already filed my taxes as a married person since I was married at the time of filing. She is trying to make sure she can file as single…who knows what her motivation is. I am just god damned tired of being pushed around by this worthless bitch.

Do you realize that you are the one holding all the chips now?
I mean, you can get the APRC for the time you are in the island, so you don’t really need her.
She is the one in a rush to get the papers signed, not you.
I guess she should be concerned about how long you can hold to sign these papers, if ever. She should be pleasing you instead of threatening…:2cents:

the same here and am still looking for the right man but l think my future husband l wish to have 3 kinds but my mum always tells me that years are just numbers much love to everyone who support me much love