Lost my laptop

Don’t be sad, I’m sure he’s in a better place now… :wink:

Oh yeah, I remember your ad, 914. I only hope your old phone’s replacement lives up to his predecessor.

Well, I finally got to the larger FET store over the weekend.

They are just as f@cking lazy as the useless slackers at the other store.

I was told it was “太麻煩的事”. I have come to the conclusion they do not want to help you at all unless there’s a sale in it.

It’s funny, I’ve heard people slag off Far East Tone before for various reasons; I’ve never had a problem till now. It’s not over yet though. I will be going back armed with my girlfriend. She’s a hard-arse from Zhanghua.

Will let you know how it goes.



Our Moto A780 was stolen a month after we bought it. We reported it to the police. They have a department that deals with this, but it’s been about 1 month and a half and still no news yet. Bought another replacement one - another A780. Just couldn’t let go.

Looks like thieves in TW are racking it in.
Damn them to hell!