[quote=“trep”]Hey, as long as they cut me a copy, I’m flattered to have them peddling bastard copies of my pasty ass. Not likely, as I’m the ugliest narciscist you’re likely to run across. 
MTV = KTV??? If not, what is it and where? They have movies??
Please excuse my gross ignorance, it’s what brought me here in the first place… 
And tommy, contact details would be much appreciated…
ok, i hope they are still around cuz it was still the rage in 99 when i was last there.
There were a couple of big MTVs around. ONe in shimenting and the other on chonghsiao e. rd./ tunwha n. rd. LIke the tenth floor of one of the buildings there.
This MTV was great. it was fairly large. had bout 50 small rooms, each with a 100inch projector and a great sound system. there is a sofa and you can dim the lights. it was very nicely done. you go there and pay (at that time 120nt each) and select your movie from literally thousands of titles. they tell you which room you are in and off you go. the ticket price includes a soft drink but u can bring ur own beers and snacks from a 7/11 or whatnot.
and you enjoy ur movie. its controlled from a central location so you cant rewind or stop the pic. so its like a mini movie house.
by law there must be a door thats not lockable and a small glass window. you can just hang a jacket over the window. sex is technically illegal in those places so the police sometimes raids them. but this place had a cam in the elevator so they know when the police is coming. so they will announce on the PA that the fuzz is coming. so then you should zip up ur pants
and look presentable.
all very exciting
GREAT PLACE to see movies of your own choice. actually better then a movie house. and its open 24/7 AND a great place to make out with the GF (used to go a few times a week)
actually if you invite a local girl to an MTV, chances are that she will get the clue that you want a little hanky panky
ask around for the locations.