Lovin' this summer heat

I love the summer. Going hiking, or swimming. Running in the heat o the day. Or simply enjoying the female form in lighter attire. :whistle:. It cannot be too hot, or too humid, as far as I concerned.

Today I did rode my bike to up above Wulai and back. :thumbsup: A perfect day for it. Summer heat? Bring it on!

I agree. It doesn’t bother me too much. But then again, my home and workplaces are air-conditioned. I rarely venture into the Great Outdoors, lest I get bitten by crocodiles, venomous tigers and man-eating slugs.

Summer rocks. I wish it lasted longer - last winter seemed to drag on and on and on.

You ain’t seen summer if you ain’t seen an Indian one.

Amen to that!

Is that like when it’s Autumn already, and then you get a sudden week or two of summer like weather?

Indian Summer

Yeah Bis, it’s like that.

:thumbsup: :wink: Nice.

The heat is fine (I’m currently siting in my study at 33 degrees), it’s the humidity I can’t stand.

Taiwan has crocodiles???

Picked up the kids from school at noon and they are now playing in the pool on the deck (thank you to a Forumosan for the pool). Beach afternoon planned for tomorrow. Home-grown mint teas with a splash of vodka as we watch the eagles fly overhead. No complaints at all about summer from this mama.

Wish I could do the same. I hate it that my work day starts after 4pm…

Sorry, summer sucks. Give me the dreary, miserable days of winter. I love them. Nothing makes me happier than overcast skies or a chilly breeze.

100% correct… Although I have to say summer is also ok, if its sunny and doesnt go over 25 °C.

100% correct… Although I have to say summer is also ok, if its sunny and doesnt go over 25 °C.[/quote]




100% correct… Although I have to say summer is also ok, if its sunny and doesnt go over 25 °C.[/quote]


Hah! That’s what I was thinking! :thumbsup:

Now…back to basking in the glorious heat.

Tomorrow, Cisingshan!

It took me years to get into it, but now I love the summer. Blue skies, rioting foliage, full creeks. Maybe if I still lived in the city I’d hate it.

Perfect butterfly juggling weather.