Low frequency words game(ish)

Think of a word which is low frequency but not ridiculously low. So it’s the sort of word where you think, ‘yeah, thats fairly common but I bet people don’t use it much.’

Then post that word on here.

Then the next player puts that word in the search bar in the top right and finds out how many times it has been written on this site in 2013. They report the result of the search. Then they post a low frequency word for the next person to repeat it with.

Why? Just for something to do.


I post the word: absorption
The next poster puts it in the search bar and reports back that it has only been used 6 times this year (shiadoa, ShutUpLegs, circleback, fred smith, finley and trubadour). You could elaborate on the contexts in which the word was used. In this case it has solely been used in cycling discussions. Then they post the next word, for example: Helium.

And so it goes on. I guess it is fun to know what words are low frequency according to other people. Game make sense? Ok so here goes…


The word d Helium has been used 3 times this year, including this post, by superking, shiadoa and Ducked. shiadoa currently uses a lot of words rarely used. The word has been used 159 time over all.

Next word: Retainer

did I break this game…?

Retainer has been used 71 times overall. Mostly by Elegua & Winston Smith and they’re posts have been numerously quoted over and over again. The word Retainer has mostly been used in a monetary sense as something that is held back from you. Lawyers, scam type schools and other money grabbing institutions consider this a high frequency word. Often times used as a disappearing device by some cults in Taiwan. Same way you say Candyman x 3 in fornt of the mirror. Retainer x 3 … poof money gone.

Next word: Swag

Outside of this game Swag has only been used 4 times this year and 42 times overall, by rockefeller, muchaman, confuzius and Winston Smith, in topics about Iraq and having contact with foreigners. NICE low frequency word there.

Next word: unworn

Unworn: used once in 2013 (in this thread), and 7 times overall.
Next word: grassy.

Grassy has only been used once this year, by CHAON, in the context of the grassy knoll. It enjoyed a good runout of 9 uses in 2012, and was really used in luxury in 2011 with 23 uses. Overall it’s been used 276 times.

Am I weird for finding this seeding of words really interesting?

Next word: Seeding.

The word seeding has been used 3 times, not including this post, by Hamletintaiwan, Abacus and Icon. All 3 were referencing cloud seeding earlier this year when there was a drought going.

In 2012 Tommy and others used the word 8 times. Tommy used the word for fruit seeding, Confuzius used it for torrent, but I would say most are about cloud seeding.

Next word: hilltop

Hilltop has NEVER been used this year! It was only used ONCE in 2012 by Mucha Man who was looking for some hilltop places. It has only been used 42 times in 11 years, with 2006 seeing it peak with 8 uses! :smiley:

Next word: floated

Floated has been used 196 times apart from this thread. Thrice this year. Mainly it would seem to have used overall the post frequently in the Politics, Money and LIT forums.

Next word: rutabaga.

Rutabaga has been used 10 times in all, including your use today. Nobody has used it this year, Chris used it a year ago to define what it means, Charlie Jack used it a year before that in a response to yourself, gingerman, and Taffy applauded its use. It was unloved for three whole years prior to that. Poor old rutabaga. It seems this community has no love for this vegetable. Perhaps the word came to your mind today as a remnant of a conversation you had with Charlie Jack all those moons ago.

Next word: vestige

Vestige: 64 matches, but only one use this year - in this thread.

Next word: vestigial.