need a fix badly…both my home pc and work pc have been invaded by something that sets the explorer default page to a page called lucky search…i would of course much prefer yahoo…if i go to explorer options and reset it it resets back overnite…any one got a fix for this?
try CWShredder from
I haven’t tried it, but it’s common problem and this is often suggested as a solution
Have you tried going into:
Internet options
Make sure there is nothing in the “homepage” box. I usally set my default to “use blank” but occasionally this gets reset by going to bad webpages they have code to change that. This should fix the problem.
[quote=“JeffG”]Make sure there is nothing in the “homepage” box. I usally set my default to “use blank” but occasionally this gets reset by going to bad webpages they have code to change that. This should fix the problem.[/quote]It won’t, it’s malware that resets your homepage when you reboot. Bear says he’s already tried it.
I use Spybot Search and Destroy. It can also innoculate against many common spyware, unlike others which just remove it.
I also use Spybot Search and Destroy and you can download it for free. I love it.
Big Fluffy Matthew you’re right.
thanks guys…i’ve downloaded S & D…i’ll let you know if it does the job
Spybot Search and Destroy rocks!
Yes, it rules! and those Lucky Search people suck.