Magic Match Party and Chivas Valentine’s Day Event

Magic Match Party and Chivas Valentine’s Day Event
Saturday, February 10th, 2007
Event from 9:30pm-1:30am, Guest List from 9:30-11:30

這是一個不能錯過的活動. 這次的活動是為你/妳精心準備的. 藉此認識特別的他在獨一無二的情人節. 在這節日中 當然少不了浪漫的舞會 以及全新的情人節配對遊戲
Magic Match Party 每年會在情人節及中國情人節舉辦派對. 當然是不能錯過的大型活動. 去年的情人活動照片可從此進入.
來就送情人節小禮物. 每位美女們還會有一朵鮮豔的玫瑰花 男士們會有心型糖果 這可是表示的好機會 不要錯過了. 除了人人有獎外 我們還有別大獎準備給予大家. 拿到心型糖果最多的前三名 將會得到精美小禮物
男生: $600已加入來賓名單; $800一般來賓
女生: $400已加入來賓名單; $600一般來賓
Good Music (DJ)
跳舞, 配對遊戲 (Always Fun)
Magic Match Party and Chivas Valentine’s Day Event
Saturday, February 10th, 2007
Event from 9:30pm-1:30am, Guest List from 9:30-11:30
This is the event you do not want to miss out. It is our special Valentine’s Day Event where you come to meet that special someone and find a date for Valentine’s Day. You will get to dance and mingle and meet new friends for our special Valentine’s Day Event.
Directions and Address of Venue:
An He Road, Section 1, #29-1
From the Dun Hua Eslite Bookstore
Go down An He Road towards Renai, in alley between Space Yoga and A Plus Sake, and it will be on your left hand side.
From Zhongxiao Dun Hua MRT
Go down the alley across the street from the Ding Gua Gua Fried Chicken and walks towards the Dun Hua Eslite Bookstore, and it will be on your right hand side.
Description of Venue:
Plan B is the newest hot spot in Taipei, with a great sound system and a dance floor where you can dance while the freshest DJs in Taiwan spin the hottest new tracks in town.? There are comfortable sofa chairs to lounge in and to talk with your friends with you sip down one of the special drinks made by Plan B’s sexy bartenders.? The staff are all very cute and friendly.? Come check out one of the newest hot spot in Taipei and stay for the popping music, the tasty drinks, and the friendly staff.
Magic Match Party has two huge events per year, our Valentine’s Day Party and our Chinese Valentine’s Day Party. You do not want to miss out. You can check out our last Chinese Valentine’s Day Party here.
All females will receive a free rose for Valentines Day and all males will receive candy hearts to give to girls they are interested in. The top 3 girls with the most candy hearts will win a free prize .
Males: $600 Guest List; $800 At the Door
Females: $400 Guest List; $600 At the Door
Good Music and DJ
Dancing (including slow dancing) and Matching Game (couples, group game, and fun match making competitions)
Lots of Gifts and Prizes
2 Free Drink
Drink Specials All Night Long
Sexy Match Makers
Special Performance … 21557.html