Mandarin Speed Learning v 0.2

I’ll try to keep this short.

I’m in the process of making a system that should help people learn how to read, write and speak Mandarin very quickly. It will consist of using audio, flashcards, books (sounds really easy huh?) and about 2 hours of study per day.

Based on the first case study (me) I hope to be able to boast a sales line of “Learn how to speak, read and write Mandarin in less then one year.

In approximately one months time I will post a real announcement. Right now I want to collect emails addresses of people who might want to be test dummies er… product testers. Potential candidates will have to be in Taiwan now (or at the start of the study), be able to make a short term commitment (not sure how long yet), be willing to purchase or already have a Palm pilot and preferably have had previous Mandarin instruction (it’s not necessary though).

All the details will be revealed in due time, but here are the basics:

  • It will be based off of the Shida (