Marathon Training

Run Taiwan has started a project to train an out of shape girl to do a marathon in the next 12 months.
Luz is 26 and very out of shape…she loves to shop and eat, that’s about it.
We will post regular video updates about her progress and will feature training and diet tips along the way.
Apologies for the lack of technical expertise!!

Find the first installment here:

[quote=“VRBaddict”]Run Taiwan has started a project to train an out of shape girl to do a marathon in the next 12 months.
Luz is 26 and very out of shape…she loves to shop and eat, that’s about it.
We will post regular video updates about her progress and will feature training and diet tips along the way.
Apologies for the lack of technical expertise!!

Find the first installment here:[/quote]

Looking forward to see how this turns out… I started running again a little more than five years ago and have lost nearly 20kg. While I took more than 12 months to get to running full marathons (I didn’t really start running again with that design) it definately can be done (and she doesn’t look like she has as much weight to lose as I did). I presume you will have her run a couple of 10ks and halfs before the first full… That is what I did… built up the distance…

Good luck…

This has potential to be an interesting doco/diary but, it gets a bit pervy when you are rocking in the changing room with her. I question whether she has the desire/willpower to do a marathon. It comes across in the video that this is more of a fun, lets do something different to spice up our relationship addition to her life. I ran an half marathon and there was nothing fun about it. I can not imagine what a full marathon would be like. Good luck with it.

It’s a great idea and will hopefully encourage more young Taiwanese to start exercising a little more. Personally, I would recommend only running a half after a year of distance running training and a full after only two years. The general rule of thumb is one month of training for every mile of race distance. So 3 months ~ 5k race, 6 months ~10k race, 1 year ~ half and 2 years ~ full.


New today!!! Episode 2 Part 2. See how Luz is doing…can she finish Training Day 1?
What’s going on with the tummy? … -2-part-2/

[quote=“VRBaddict”]New today!!! Episode 2 Part 2. See how Luz is doing…can she finish Training Day 1?
What’s going on with the tummy? … -2-part-2/[/quote]

good start… I would only recommending using an anchor for the feet when doing crunches… and not try for full sit ups…

New Part. Episode 2 Part 3. Week 1 continues but with some small problems… … e-2-part3/

see how she’s doing…

Good job so far! I’ve been following your progress with Luz so keep the updates coming…

Just a suggestion… why not try registering her for a short race (5~10k?) to help keep her motivated to train?

[quote=“teggs”]Good job so far! I’ve been following your progress with Luz so keep the updates coming…

Just a suggestion… why not try registering her for a short race (5~10k?) to help keep her motivated to train?[/quote]

Hey there… didn’t see you at Miaoli this past weekend…

broke 3:20 for the first time… :slight_smile: … barely…

Luz will be running the Women’s Nike Run at the end of this month…5km distance!
Great job with the 3.20 BTW

Luz will be running the Women’s Nike Run at the end of this month…5km distance!
Great job with the 3.20 BTW

What, all twenty female runners in Taiwan will be at that one??? Ok, joke, but seriously, so few female marathon runners in Taiwan, with decent training, your Luz could walk home with a few trophies if she sticks at it…

Nike 5km run was last Sunday atb 6am.

Luz’s target was under 30 minutes but she surprised us all with a time of 23 minutes 14 seconds!!!

Top 20 finish also I think, so pretty amazed by that.

Wow awesome work to you guys. Also to Liz.

Any updates?

Will she be training during the brutal summer months?

What has happened to Luz? Still running? Anymore vids coming?

Yeah, what happened here? The trail has gone cold.

Wow this is awesome! Ya I really hope it gets more local Taiwanese to be active.