Marriage Contract After Marriage?

Consideration is not required in Taiwan to form a contract.

[url=Setting up a will in Taiwan - #11 by Tigerman

[quote=“kitedili”]I have been married to a Taiwanese girl for few years already, and I wonder if it is possible to sign a marriage contract after a marriage in order to deal with financial issues (responsible for owning assets and debts, rights and responsibilities if and when the marriage should break up…etc) ?
If yes, does anyone know the procedure and which government office would be in charge?[/quote]

You should go talk to a Taiwanese attorney. Taiwan law provides for several different marital property regimes that determine how assets are divided in the event of a divorce, or perhaps death (not sure about that). The couple simply jointly selects which of these several regimes will be used to divide property in the event of a divorce.

Edit: Just found this:

[quote=“Global Property Guide - Taiwan”]Taiwanese matrimonial property regimes apply to couples whose marriages are recognized as valid in Taiwan.

Under Taiwan’s laws, a married couple can sign a contract agreeing to either a [color=#FF0040]Community Property Regime[/color] or a [color=#8000FF]Separate Property Regime[/color]. [color=#0000FF]In the absence of such an agreement, the couple’s property will be subject to the Statutory Regime[/color].

Under the [color=#FF0040]Community Property Regime[/color], “separate property” is limited to: gifts designated by the donor as separate property, property essential to the husband or wife’s occupation, and property earmarked for exclusive personal use of the husband or wife.

With the exception of “separate property”, all of the couple’s property and income is “common property” and owned by the couple in common. The husband or wife must have the consent of the other to dispose of common property.

Under the [color=#8000FF]Separate Property Regime[/color], husband and wife each retain and manage their own property as “separate property”. Each has the right to exclusively manage, use, depose of and receive profits from his or her own property.

Under the [color=#0000FF]Statutory Property Regime[/color], property separately owned by the husband or wife prior to marriage is “premarital property”, and will remain under the sole ownership and control of the respective husband or wife. Proceeds from such premarital property (such as interest or rent income) accumulated during the marriage, and all property acquired in the marriage, are “marital property”, and are owned by the couple jointly.

Marital property in relation to inheritance is subject to the rules on “Reserved Portions”[/quote]