Martial law, etc

In response to another thread and several requests for dates, I made the following timeline.

FWIW, martial law in and of itself doesn’t mean that there is no freedom whatsoever, just as it doesn’t guarantee peace or stability. There are other factors. But I’m trying to keep this relatively short.

  • 1894-95 China and Japan at war with each other. No fighting on Taiwan proper, but Japan easily captures Penghu. Despite having a much larger military, China gets its ass kicked and is forced to cede Taiwan to Japan “in perpetuity.”
  • 1895 Not everyone in Taiwan is happy about being handed over to Japan. A “Republic of Taiwan” is proclaimed. This doesn’t last long, because the Japanese have more guns, soldiers, etc. Also, a lot of businessmen hope the Japanese will bring greater stability. Guerrilla war in Taiwan disappears after a few years. The Japanese, however, don’t manage to gain any real control over the aborigines in the mountains for several decades.
  • 1934 Martial law proclaimed in mainland China.
  • 1943 The US and UK promise Chiang Kai-shek that after the war China will regain territories “stolen by Japan.”
  • Oct. 1945 Taiwan becomes part of the Republic of China. The mainland powers-that-be are given a huge welcome but soon prove to be so greedy, corrupt, wrong-headed, disdainful of the locals, etc., that they become hated by the locals. The government takes over most economic enterprises.
  • Feb. 1947 The 2-28 incident (really the beginning of a period, not something limited to one day). Somewhere around 20,000 Taiwanese are killed. A high percentage of the island’s intellectuals are among this number.
  • May 1948 Passage of the Provisional Amendments for the Period of Mobilization for the Suppression of Communist Rebellion (a.k.a. the Temporary Provisions). Under these, the president is no longer limited to two terms, to hell with individual rights, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
  • Oct. 1949 Mao declares the establishment of the PRC
  • Dec. 1949 KMT gov’t hightails it to Taipei. Martial law applied to Taiwan; of course, this didn’t really make a big difference, since that’s essentially what Taiwan already had.
  • March 1954 National Assembly approves the indefinite extension of the Temporary Provisions.
  • July 1987 The Emergency Decree (martial law) is terminated. (It hadn’t had its old strength for years, anyway.)
  • May 1991 The Temporary Provisions terminated (after 43 years).
  • May 1992 Sedition law revised. No longer illegal to espouse communism or Taiwan independence.

You mention the 1895 Republic of Taiwan. I heard that this was the first republic in Asia. What was it? Did it ever have control of Taiwan?


The first republic in Asia was actually the Lan Fang Republic in 1777 – a Hakka community on Kalimantan. You can learn more about this forgotten country over here. As this website notes, Lan Fang was formed 10 years before the US was constituted as a republic.

btw, I thought this thread (“martial law”) was about the TV show of the same name (oops)

A Hakka republic, why not! Sorry to see the Dutch blow it up, like they did with great bloodshed to Bali(in 1905 I think, of which a key Dutch officer was a post WWII national hero until the butchery tactics came out).

A great site Gus, I sent it to a couple of people in the states.