Marvel-related politics talk

If you want to focus on political blabbering with regards to Marvel content, welcome: You’ve come to the right place. Go nuts.

(Disclaimer: I have this topic on mute. Any questions, disputes, suggestions or feedback should go to Mick, the moderator of these here parts)

Some political ideologies confine themselves to taking positions of political matters. Others insist on politicizing everything.

That which has been politicized cannot easily be de-politicized. Arts and culture are political now and for the foreseeable future. There’s no point pretending otherwise until the SJWs have all been soundly defeated.

In what kind of overreaching ways is MARVEL remotely political beyond some whiny, racist/sexist dumbass, Republican losers who haven’t read any real book in their entire lifetime circlejerking on internet? It’s like the shallowest film series of all time. It’s got what? Pathetically unfunny banter, overpaid actors who can’t act shit to save their lives (well, in most cases anyway; there are some good ones involved for cash), dumbass scripts, CGI upon CGI effects, stunts that are done exclusively by stunstmen, and hordes of annoying fanboys. I don’t see anything political about any of those.

–haven’t read a real book

daaaamn. that’s like 6 1/2 insults in one sentence.

you’re in top form tonight.


Which one counts as half an insult? :thinking:


suppose it could be something to envy. quite an amount of coordination and for some, a great deal of satisfaction

Hmmm…I was leaning more toward “haven’t read a real book,” because that’s, like, most people these days.

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Ew. That, among other things, gives coordinated activity a bad name.

I would argue that “sexist” only counts as half an insult, as many aspects of what goes by that name are merely acknowledging empirical facts.

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I think thats the point with some of these films. They’re meant to lighthearted and fun entertainment where people don’t have to think about much. People get annoyed when they make them into a lecture to them about whatever. It also pisses of the fans when the films deviate from the original to become more PC.

Like JK Rowling telling us Harry Potter was actually black and all of the characters were actually LGBTQ or a minority…which is all the more ridiculous since the most relevant minority character was totally irrelevant as Harry’s crush for 1 book and named with 2 asian family surname of Cho Chang…is she Chinese or Korean with that name???

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Comic books are supposed to be fun. Well, there’s more than one way to get some fun out of them.

All superheros are obviously gay. So are the Teletubbies. All of them. I mean, just look at them.

I dunno, I don’t see it.

Which Marvel movie has been PC? There is nothing political about a movie with a black cast or a female protagonist unless you want it to be. You can probably argue that Brie Larson as a person is overly PC (though I think it’s more about her persona than anything), but that has nothing to do with the movie itself being PC. Superhero movies are so basic that political correctness is too deep to be computed.

JK Rowling didn’t say Harry Potter was black. She simply didn’t mind a black actress playing Hermione in the new play. You could argue that her wording (“I never specified” or something along the line of that) could have been improved, as in the novel she did specify Hermione’s “pale face” and “rosy cheeks”, but the way people just jumped on the bandwagon and accused her for being overly PC is simply laughable.

She revealed that Dumbledore (and by extension, Grindelwald, as he was his romantic interst) was gay in 2007 right after the last book was published, not 2017. In 2007 homosexuality wasn’t nearly as open in the air as it is later this decade and it was also pre-social media. She probably didn’t think the piece of information fit anywhere in the story and chose to release it a few weeks after the book was published. Big deal.

Besides, HP is a children’s book series. Her publisher probably didn’t want her to put it in the book in case parents started a religious crusade.

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Interesting perspective from the dying comic-book bookstore industry. This guy used to own a shop and says Disney and the SJW politics of the MCU is killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

The comics haven’t made much money in years. Print has become expensive, distribution has been a problem for decades, and pirate sites where you can read free electronic copies of everything are widely available. Typical print runs have radically shrunk. (I wonder what things look like from the advertising side.) The main utility of the comics division is as a source for movies etc., but a lot of the books have grown long in the tooth, and any changes tend to be reverted to whatever is considered most “iconic.”

The more interesting point (to me) the guy makes is that comic stores are where word of mouth takes place. Not just for comics but for all pulp entertainment. It’s a necessary host for pop fusion, which doesn’t necessarily rely on comic fiction grown long in the tooth. Disney and Marvel could do more help comic book stores survive, but (the guy says) so many comic book store owners have bought into the SJW politics that Marvel doesn’t perceive a need to prop them up financially.

As I’ve said before, I haven’t been a fan of comic books since I was a kid way back. It’s interesting to watch now, decades later, as SJW politics promulgated by Marvel consumes its pulpy host, comic stores where I used to hang out. Today’s consumers of the MCU seem oblivious to it, which imo is a sad piece of irony.

The whole point is to live in a fantasy world. So why not go full SJW?

Maybe because it’s the wrong fantasy. It seems to me Gamergate was a clash of rival fantasist clans: SJWs attacked MGTOW nerds on their own turf.

The only reason any of this is a problem is because a lot of people lose track of the distinction between fiction and reality. Great literature is supposed to tell us something about the human condition. Pop fiction pretends to do that, but there’s a reason they call it escapist.

What’s needed is less pretension, and then the ideology wouldn’t matter. But leftist indoctrination tends to go hand-in-hand with efforts to make the genres more “literary.” Two fraudulent representations supporting each other.

It all started when they decided to use comic books to try to steer kids away from drugs. Didn’t think that one through at all, did they? And now here we are. It’s all propaganda.

Any way, there’s something wrong with full grown men reading comic books. Always has been, but now it’s also a bad idea even for kids to read them. (No, it wasn’t always. If they were trash, they were once harmless trash.)

Yes, it appears so.

Sigh. I hope I don’t have to watch all 22 movies to understand it better. :anguished:

If only there were some electronic medium where this could occur “virtually,” as it were…

Marvel comics have had their social-justice moments ever since Cap teamed up with the Falcon, Black Panther became an inner-city schoolteacher in the USA (think Sidney Poitier), and Spider-Man had his anti-drug message. I remember Black Panther fighting the KKK in the 1970s (although they had to change it some to avoid offending…I dunno, the KKK?). And of course Nazis continued to appear as villains long after the real Nazis had lost power. (In Fantastic Four, “Hate Monger” was revealed to be…a clone of Hitler or something.) Let’s see…there was the Watergate-inspired storyline where Cap became Nomad… The X-Men’s famous subtext started being hammered home around the 1980s, if memory serves. Oh yeah, and Steve Rogers was later replaced as Cap by a crew-cut Reaganite.

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The problem is that virtual discussion isn’t the same as irl discussion, where people have to stand by their irl reputations. Also, every person can act out what they mean irl, not so easy for all online. Easier to spread your arms to represent wings than it may be for some to convey the same meaning online, for example.

I think irl discussions are much more valuable. At least, they’re not the same as virtual ones.