Matcha: Return of the Poll

You know what I like my beer to taste of?

Beer. Just beer.

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Added bonus: traffic safety.

generally like it is not a strong enough like.

Looks like Green Tea Spread.
Computer says No.


Caffeine + l-theanine is the best chemical combo!

I take an L-theanine capsule sometimes when Iā€™m feeling my anxiety spike. It really helps. Combined with caffeine itā€™s like a super zen focused mode.

Add a little red bean topping and/or some walnuts and honeyā€¦

Shouldnā€™t have caffeine if you have anxiety. Not a good combo.

Oh trust me, I know. I generally stay away from caffeine. I am very sensitive to it. But green tea is usually just enough to give me a little bit of extra zoom without feeling like Iā€™m gonna fly into the sky.

Also mess with your appetite, I donā€™t really feel any energy from caffeine but I canā€™t eat for hours on it. And as someone who needs hoards of food to not look like a twig, I avoid it. Iā€™ll have a cappuccino after a large meal, but thatā€™s it. Or if I know I wonā€™t have food for a while and I donā€™t want to be hungry.