Matchboxes and 2-digit phone numbers Taiwan

Amazing history from simple matchbox covers. Check out the old 2 digit, 3 digit and 4 digit phone numbers.





It was an interesting time in terms of mixing Chinese and Western influence.

公共食堂 = public restaurant ?
…社 = hotel ?

The exhibition in Keelung I presume?

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Keelung through 15 Dec.

Pretty sure she still owes me NT$500

Actually, that one ain’t that old, I remember when they went from 7 digits to 8

That’s 2 4-digit phone numbers.

Ahhhhh, so it is, I see.

She still owes me buck.

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assuming the address hasn’t altered over the years, this is where Moon Palace once stood.


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Like, I’m sure, pretty much every city in North America, we had a Canto restaurant called the Moon Palace when I was a kid. Ours was notoriously mobbed up. In high school, it was considered the height of hilarity to tell someone to go “Hang a Moon at the Palace”
Hey, it was high school.

I got served in their cocktail lounge when I was friggin 12.