Mature Chihuahua Available for Rehoming

This little guy has recently been rescued, found starving and painfully thin on the side of the road.

I don’t have much information yet, other than that he is friendly and aside from his being underweight is in good health.

He is a smooth-coat chihuahua. Here’s a little info on chihuahua’s from Wikipedia:

[quote]Chihuahuas are prized for their devotion and personality. Their alertness, intelligence and size make them easily adaptable to a variety of environments, including the city and small apartments. While Chihuahuas are often stereotyped as high-strung, correct training and socialization can result in an outstanding companion animal.

Chihuahuas are not well-suited as small children’s pets because of their size and physical fragility. However, many Chihuahuas focus their devotion on one person, becoming overly jealous of that person’s human relationships. This can be mitigated through socialization. Chihuahuas also tend to have a “clannish” nature, often preferring the companionship of other Chihuahuas over other dogs. Also, Chihuahuas seem to have no concept of their own size, and may fearlessly confront larger animals, which can result in injury.Chihuahuas are sensitive to the cold due to their small body size. Chihuahua owners often dress their dogs in sweaters or coats in cold weather.[/quote]

If you would like to have this lovely little guy as part of your family, please contact Jackie on 0913 958 859 today.

Thank you!


Where was he found? Has he been checked for chips? Very likely someone out there is looking for him.

My mother-in-common-law might want him…I will ask.

[quote]Chihuahuas are prized for their devotion and personality. Their alertness, intelligence and size make them easily adaptable to a variety of environments, including the city and small apartments. While Chihuahuas are often stereotyped as high-strung, correct training and socialization can result in an outstanding companion animal.

Chihuahuas are not well-suited as small children’s pets because of their size and physical fragility. However, many Chihuahuas focus their devotion on one person, becoming overly jealous of that person’s human relationships. This can be mitigated through socialization. Chihuahuas also tend to have a “clannish” nature, often preferring the companionship of other Chihuahuas over other dogs. Also, Chihuahuas seem to have no concept of their own size, and may fearlessly confront larger animals, which can result in injury.Chihuahuas are sensitive to the cold due to their small body size. Chihuahua owners often dress their dogs in sweaters or coats in cold weather. [/quote]

Mkay, so they’re smart, but they ain’t too smart. :slight_smile:

“Doans make no problemas…won’t be no problemas…entiende’?”

[quote=“Juba”]Where was he found? Has he been checked for chips? Very likely someone out there is looking for him.

My mother-in-common-law might want him…I will ask.[/quote]

Chip checked and none found.

Let me know what the MICL says. :slight_smile:

Sean, I might have found the owner. Someone put up flyers at pet stores in the Houshanpi MRT area. Lost since 10/25. Fragile due to ‘medical condition’. If they haven’t contacted you yet, check your PM for their number.

MO (Marjan)