Maybe moving to US (Cali) from Taiwan. Any big cost of life topics I missed?

Thanks a lot for the lots of input everyone.

By the way: No kids for me, thank you.


Condoms are good and cheap in the west. :wink:

Overseas Filipino Worker.

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I think.the OFWā€™S get better treatment than OIW. Overseas Indonesian Workers. The Thai workers on the other hand tended to take less sh.te. I remember them many years ago protesting and spraying F Taiwan in Thai on the sidewalks , roads etc.

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Well basically Taiwanese coming back from the states gets the same shit wage without overtime (which OFW gets), AND they often donā€™t have family structure that enables them to survive on such low wage.

My dad said Taiwanese hates Taiwanese who returned from the states because it means they messed up or were losers.

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Yeah, my health insurance is great. Ten dollar copay and in the years Iā€™ve been with the district, Iā€™ve paid out 600 bucks for replacement crowns.


Your dad is kind of a jackass though, isnā€™t he?


Yes, I have always hated that sentiment some have here , ā€œOh couldnā€™t make it in your own country so came here.ā€ Shouldnt it be ā€œGreat , you like Taiwan more than your own country , so want to live here. Welcome.ā€


Geez JD, still his dad :exploding_head:

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I know there are solutions. Thank you very much :rofl:

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Just a perspective thing. Itā€™s why I phrased it as a question, Alec.

And you liked my post, ya big hypocritisizer! :wink:


I guess I have to start googling this weird 401 thingy. I read you guys often talk about that here on the flob, but hoped would never have to join in those discussions. Oh wellā€¦

SE Asians in general are treated horribly in Taiwan. Iā€™m definitely not on board with the other posterā€™s assertion that anyone Taiwanese or American has it as bad.


TL had it bad, but agree with you in general. Some of my kids had it tough , but yeah not as bad , but pretty tough, as they went to local schools.

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Straight outta Toucheng?


Interesting. Is that more referring to someone making 40K NTD per month in Taiwan, or more like 400K?

@jdsmith LMFAO ^^^^^^^

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Iā€™m coming down off the covid. Iā€™ll literally be here all day.


It got you ? Finally ?


40k NTD per month would make you homeless in California, possibly even if you doubled it. Youā€™re in a relatively inexpensive part of California and moving from a relatively expensive part of Taiwan, though.