The left is now more hated around the world than ever since the Cold War it seems. People are sick of the nonsense they have been perpetuating. I think we need to be prepared for a conservative and more nationalistic decade.
I think it’s also about common sense.
The Left’s treatment of others since 2015 has felt like Macarthyism 2.0 to me. People speculating if someone voted conservative as if they voted for Satan, the relentless lawfare, weekly hoaxes, liberal families or family members completely cutting ties with conservative voters, the left trying to get conservatives fired from their jobs, etc. The paranoia that someone might have voted for Trump for example really spiked this election with a lot Democrat friends basically excommunicating anyone that is suspected to be a Trump voter, and consider votes for Trump as personal attacks on their lives. Those meltdowns on Colbert and Kimmel talk shows is like a template for them.
I was thinking about posting this, it might be just adjacent here, but maybe on point
It points to an off-putting tendency to treat political claims and arguments as undeniable truth, with all that entails.
Maybe. I suspect it’ll just be more rinse, repeat.
The conservatives also have a way of taking things too far and not being replaced fast enough.
It is interesting to look at the global trends and not just USA.