McDonalds to sell ownership of Taiwan franchise

On my other link, the article said that McDonald’s isn’t doing so hot in the US so they might need the money?

I think it is all about the real estate. The market in Taiwan is at the top now, and McDonald’s really is a real estate company first and a junk food joint second, so they probably see the upside in getting out of their holdings now.

Companies love to sell of successes, not sure why. It feeds the beast (corporation) immediately, they are not worried about the future, just the current cash flow to look good on their books for investors.

I think Taiwan McDonald’s is successful because it is a place for people to “hang out” and study, and enjoy air conditioning. While they are there they consume products. Taiwan in USA and Japan doesn’t really have this type of customer.

I am noticing KFC in Kaohsiung closing down a lot of stores, it really is too bad. There is no BK in Kaohsiung but there used to be a few. Pretty soon there will be no decent junk food left other than that really atrocious Dan Dan Hamburger.