McDonald's touchscreens test reveals poop traces, dangerous bacteria

Used these a lot in Europe recently. Easy to order if don’t know local language.

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Is this really a surprise? I’ve always avoided things everyone touches.


A quarter of Brits when tested had fecal matter on their hands:


In Malaysia they never have paper towels in the bathroom. They love that hand air drying machine. I want to puke every time someone uses it, spreading poop particles all over their hands and in the air everywhere.

Did they ever test ATM touch screens?

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I guess that’s what our immune system is for. We all probably come in touch with far more dirty stuff than we’re aware of (smartphones, PC keyboards, doors, etc)…

I clean my phone and key boards with alcohol wipes often. Public doors I use my shirt to grab the handle if need be, or use my feet to gently kick it open.

Note to self: buy alcohol wipes immediately.

I make a habit of using it whenever I see one of those antibacterial stations. Usually I rub some on my phone as well lol.

Would be interesting to have this study done in Taiwan on the local abei population. They should test what’s under their extra long finger nails.


Is it really worse than handling money though?

Easy solution, hire low wage staff to wipe screen!

Or just put hand disinfection and wipes next to the touch screen!

I dread to think.

Haha, ditto here.
Especially public bathroom doors.

Just use your pinky to pull or push it open with your knuckles.

They find feces on everything when they do these tests. I saw a journalist have his cell phone tested live on air. Trace amounts of feces. I’m sure everyone watching thought he didn’t wash his hands, but the tester said it could be transferred even from setting it on a dirty table. Still.
On the other hand, there was a test of the poles in New York subway cars. They were said to be safe enough to lick without catching any serious diseases or bacteria.

I like being tall, I usually grab on to the higher parts of the pole where not as many people grab onto.

Aren’t those the parts the cleaners can’t reach?

