Meanwhile in Catalonia...

I see your Conquistador and raise you a Cortez the Killer.

I then respond by playing Cara El Sol:

More on Brusselsā€™ embarrassment:

Itā€™s an EU internal matter. Or something.

It seems the idea of the nation-state is in decline. The way they broke up the Ottoman Empire put the idea to the ultimate test and showed it has limitations. A century later, it seems itā€™s not even good at what we thought it was good for.

Spain is a political construct. Itā€™s only marginally less artificial than, say, Belgium. Or Canada. Or the UK.

And what exactly is the EU anyway? Does anyone know anymore?

The Nuremberg defense. First refuge of every bureaucrat and every storm trooper.

Iā€™d say they should get another job, but howā€™s the economy there?

Or that funny place that still votes along Civil War lines a century and a half laterā€¦ :whistle:

They still vote straight ticket Democrat in Dixie?

Ps: Iā€™m not a libertarian, dafuq ?_?


*triggering intensifies

Howā€™s your job of persuading them to vote Saxon instead of Norman working out these days?

Humble apologies, Mr. Wtf. :bowing:

Is there a label you prefer? May I simply call you a covfefist? (Small c or large, up to you!)

Can someone enlighten me on why the EU has been so tough on regional self-determination in Europe? If the split up states ends up in the EU anyway, how would that be different for the EU it self? I would think that each regions joining the EU would be better in the long run rather than a bunch of nation states riffed with internal conflicts.

Itā€™s difficult, because in the Uk Iā€™d consider myself a Liberal, in the US Iā€™d lean towards the Republican party, in some European countries Iā€™d support parties that are considered FAR-RIGHT even if they have semi-socialist programs (Swedish Democrats are a good example of that).

I like Mr Ko, is there something like Koism? I could be a Koist.

The EU has no real authority to interfere in domestic political affairs in European states.

Despite all the Brexit posturing there is no federal superstateā€¦Yet.

EVen if the EU does try to interfere it can easily blow back in their face.

Ko-P flirts with parties but built his identity as an independent.

Iā€™ll just call you an ā€œindependent covfefist sympathistā€ and hope you donā€™t get too triggered.

ā€œKo-pistā€ would sound neat!

I think that calling me ā€œKo-pistā€ would also make your life easier, Iā€™m worried that typing ā€œindependent covfefist sympathistā€ every time may lead you to being the triggered one!

If regions are allowed to break off from countries, the Eurocrats are afraid countries may get ideas about breaking off from the EU.

Youā€™re in favor of putting people with Aspergerā€™s in charge of everything!?! Come to think of it, that may not be a bad ideaā€¦

But not haram if theyā€™re allowed to break off into caliphates. :wink:

IKCS? (The K is for Koppist.)
