Medicine search by component name and shape

In US, I can search for medicine by their ingredient name, brand name, and shape at

But does not seem to include those medicine pills that I received from Taiwanese doctors.

Is there a Taiwanese version of such a handy website?

These here are in Mandarin only, but one can use them more or less well with google translate:

Many (most?) hospitals in Taiwan have searchable databases of the drugs they prescribe, usually with photos. See the links below, for example.


Great, more links! Especially the “advanced” interface of 藥品資訊與辨識 - 基督復臨安息日會醫療財團法人臺安醫院 Taiwan Adventist Hospital offers an easy way to search for shapes and colors - even with English. Nice!

Those links are useful in case you wonder what this pack of colorful pills you got from the doctor / pharmacist actually is ^^

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More example of Taiwan’s exemplary healthcare system.

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