Mein Kampf as Intersectional Feminism

Indeed. Has she ever met a woman? Virtually all of them are hell-bent on breeding after the age of 30 and will do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal.

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The logic of this is flawless: one imaginary social construct causing another.

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Are you suggesting that climate change is an imaginary social construct?

In the sense it’s generally used these days, as some kind of looming extinction level event. Of course the climate changes…that’s so obvious that it goes without saying.

Might there not be something somewhere between the two extremes?


Sure, but few people (if any) know, or care, where that is.

…what is that I smell?
eh, just another culture warrior humpfest on forumosa.

I would argue that nobody knows where that is. However, dismissing one possible outcome as an “imaginary social construct” seems a bit illogical to me.

Guilty until proven innocent. :grin:

I was half-joking, but it might not have been exactly 50%.

Cow ard.

If we accept that ‘humans’ are changing the ‘climate’ its just a short hop to saying that ‘human society’ is changing the climate, and then just a little detour to renaming ‘human society’ as ‘patriarchy’.

Surely that is a relatively short trip in comparison to the journey from ‘climate change’ to the ‘conceptual penis’.

Its also nothing in comparison to any random London taxi driver who can fluently rant from any known topic under the sun to ‘send em all back home’. It’s ensured that all London taxi drivers can do this (there is an exam and everything) Just ask Mr Lin.

I don;t think this Gloria Steinem character is worthy of her taxi driver license to be honest.


Not everybody can be a cowardly lion.



Big academic scandal brewing: three researchers deliberately publish seven bogus papers on “grievance studies” to highlight abysmal academic standards in the humanities


In the end, I don’t think the fields infiltrated by these papers will change much. The students want these kinds of studies, the classes are money-makers for universities, the papers are money-maker for the journals, and, in fact, I suspect that many professors already know that they churn out a lot of junk, but they don’t care. After all, it’s the way to get a secure job and get ahead in academia. But at least the rest of us will know how our tax money is being used, how our students are being propagandized, and how what could be respectable fields of scholarship are being eaten away by the twin termites of postmodern nonsense and the Authoritarian Left.

A very good reason, then, to clean house at state universities. Sounds like gender studies programs would make nice, profitable buxibans in the West. At any rate, they need to be evicted from any university that depends on public financing.

Pretty sad commentary on today’s “students” and the universities/leaches that “teach” them.

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In developed countries, maybe. But in developing ones, by 30 you have 12 kids and are begging to get cancer as it might be the only way to have your reproductive organs removed legally and hence stop breeding like a rabbit.

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Fair point. I apologize for my flippancy.

Couple more famous hoax papers (from before):


Tucker Carlson looks like he’s on the wrong side of a rolled up essay paper