Men's health clinics

I’m not sick as far as I know but I was wondering if one has a men’s health issue… where would be the best places to go?

You mean like a specialist for something that ails men more than women? Like a urologist? Depends on what exactly you need. I dont’ think they are all concentrated in one place/clinic, though.

You go to a hospital and ask to see a willy man.

just thinking out loud really… As I get older, cancer and that is more of a worry, and things like testicular cancer are easily treated if caught early. I wouldn’t want to be in a position later where I could have prevented something, but didn’t because I didn’t know where to go.

Most willy men also do sacks.

I don’t want you to think I"m not trying to empathize, I really am, but would you guys mind taking this to the Men’s Forum? That’s what it’s there for.

I sense yet another grieving for his lost manhood. I tell ya, there oughta be a support network for these hapless victims of medical chicanery. I’m not personally aware of any foreskin repairers in Taiwan, but there probably is someone somewhere.


I’m not sure Fred Smith and the good folks in IP will be very interested

you could post about it in the men’s forum here.

(he runs off, ducking for cover)

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]I sense yet another grieving for his lost manhood. I tell ya, there oughta be a support network for these hapless victims of medical chicanery. I’m not personally aware of any foreskin repairers in Taiwan, but there probably is someone somewhere.


On that note, do Taiwanese men get circumcized?

Further on that note, did you know that in former Yugoslavia only Muslims got circumcized and when the war between Croats and Muslims in southern Bosnia & Herzegovina broke out, that’s how you could tell who was who?

Well, in my experience . . . Oh no, I’m not falling for that one again, I KNOW this isn’t a PM.

Gawd, pity the poor souls that had it done for medical reasons!

But hang on, how did a girl get in here? :fume:


So you must have outfoxed 'em but good when they pulled you over at a checkpoint.

What??? That’s just crazy talk. If that were true, washrooms, locker rooms, and nude beaches would be free fire zones… everywhere else you’d be perfectly safe. Obviously this is just some silly story tash got out of a ladies’ mag.

More seriously, where’s the hospital’s willy man? In the past two years, I’ve known two guys in their twenties who died from testicular cancer. It’s nasty shit. Check ups are a good idea.