Mercury in Pregnant Mothers

So, along with hepatitis, mercury is a problem…

[quote]" A study of 65 pregnant women in Taipei found mercury concentrations of around 9.1 micrograms per liter in their blood and around 10 micrograms per liter in blood in their umbilical cords.

The researchers also found an average of 19 nanograms per gram of mercury in their placenta.

Such levels were far beyond what is considered safe, the researchers wrote in a paper to be published in January in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Eighty-nine percent of the women had blood mercury concentrations exceeding the US National Research Council’s recommended value of 5.8 micrograms per liter. … 2003342454[/quote]

I love dem fishes…!

I read a magazine article (Mebbe ‘New Scientist’?) about fishies. Only eat the little ones, not big fish like tuna, especially if you’re pregnant. No linky, sorry.

Impossible! Freddie Mercury was gay! Don’t believe it.

The report contradicts nationwide tests by the EPA a couple years ago.