Here’s another example here. This time, posts are merged out of the thread Tom’s thread was merged with. Read my post in that thread for details.
I’m with Tom on this, although since his thread had my name in it, maybe it’s not my place to say. Thanks again, Tom. 
Another thing I’m not sure is fair is the merging of posts. I think Maoman has been quite inconsistent that way, and perhaps arbitrary as well.
All my posts in the threads in question were merged. It makes it look as if I post long winded posts. I don’t need help in that department, I’m quite capable of writing long posts on my own, thanks.
If I posted two posts in a row while quoting two different posters, Maoman merged my posts. I guess it would not be so bad, except he only did that to my posts in these threads while other posters would post up to FOUR posts in a row quoting the same poster, and Maoman did nothing about it. I sent Maoman a PM(actually, I replied to his pm to me) to ask him what’s up with the merging of only my posts, and I provided him with links to the other back to back posts, but he just kept merging my posts while ignoring the other back to back posts in the same thread despite the links I pmed him.
I don’t care that much about this, I just wonder why only my posts. It bothers me a bit, but like I said, not that much. Maoman’s response was that if I don’t care, why would he. My response to that is if I care a bit about him only merging my posts, why wouldn’t he? And if he’s going to send me warning pms for spamming via back to back posts(2 in a row) why is he not doing anything about four post in a row?
Here’s from the pm I sent to Maoman, the links to other back to back posts he left intact. Meanwhile, if you read the thread, most long posts from me in which I quote more than one poster were merged by Maoman. … 821#690821 … 842#690842 … 850#690850 … 712#690712
Above links are all back to back posts which were left as is, and I missed many of them. I just picked four of them to ask Maoman why he only merged my own posts in that thread. Weird… Maoman even pmed me to ask me to stop spamming the board with back to back posting, and telling me that he only pms repeated offenders. Give me a goddamn break! Quoting two different posters in two consecutive posts using the quote/reply function is not spamming. Again, other posters quoted the same poster FOUR posts in a row, and Maoman did nothing about it. Arbitrary? Perhaps. Disappointing? Surely.