Metric Help for Americans

But for liquids? No measurement surpasses the pint, does it?[/quote]
Unless it’s the quart.[/quote]
Or the gallon. Which is the minimum amount of a beer a real man should be able to neck before needing the first piss of the night, according to Sid the Sexist.

what’s wrong with the litre? that’s about a kilogram of beer, or enough to down before it gets warm…

and if you’re into drinking less, how about a third? (i know, it’s new, but i’m sure it’ll cach on ifi use t enough). heineken cans come in thirds, halves and goodness me, whole litres! (not that i recommend heineken over, say, james squires, or Boags premium, BTW. or over most belgian beers…

Oh for god’s sake! Now we have someone who measures in stubbies and schoonies telling us about measurements! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

As soon as the signposts, odometer, speed limit signs, spedometer, weather reports and your bathroom scale are all in metric, you’ll get used to it in no time. All it took, for me, was to move to a metric country. YMMV :idunno:

As soon as the signposts, odometer, speed limit signs, spedometer, weather reports and your bathroom scale are all in metric, you’ll get used to it in no time. All it took, for me, was to move to a metric country. YMMV :idunno:[/quote]

Your WHAT might vary? :laughing:

Your metric might vary. :moon: (best emoticon ever!)

metric …hmmm…very close to…metro-sexual…maybe thats the attraction?

[quote=“urodacus”]but us poor americans can’t change, think how much it’ll cost us. we can’t afford to reeducate all our tradespeople either, and i like my half inch wrench.

anyway, our system is better. jesus used the imperial system, so it is sanctioned by God. and if it annoys the french, so much the better. bring it on.

:doh: :noway: :noway: :taz:[/quote]

Yep, I agree with Uro-dude you guys want to pick up the bill?
You want to educate over 300 million people and re-gauge the whole country go right ahead. We have a few million people who live in our country who don’t even speak English-(though they know the metric system)- teach them while you’re at it.

My brother works for BP as an engineer and when I asked him about changing to metric he said,
“Our policy in the states is ‘Fuck You’ we’re buying all the oil.”

Why should Americans change-on the slim chance they do a tour of Europe or have to help Europe out of one of its countless wars? Just bring a metric converter.

I love when I’m riding my bike at 200 KPH and look at the speedo I feel like I’m in an airplane. :sunglasses:

Actually, Australia is slightly smaller than the 48 contiguous U.S. states. Adding Alaska, Australia becomes even smaller than the US.

Not that I care at all… just correcting a false fact.

well I’m pretty sure we can all agree that Horse Power is the only way to measure burning rubber.

Do the Limeys have a bathroom scale that says their weight in stone?

Somebody open a bottle of gin we need some Englishers.

I always wondered what this Jamacian girl meant when she said many years ago to me,
" Bombacock Chalky dat ting moost weigh 3 stones I reckon."

I’m pretty sure we can all agree that horsepower is one word.

Not that I care at all… just correcting a false fact.

[quote=“Bubba 2 Guns”]Do the Limeys have a bathroom scale that says their weight in stone?

Somebody open a bottle of gin we need some Englishers.

I always wondered what this Jamacian girl meant when she said many years ago to me,
" Bombacock Chalky dat ting moost weigh 3 stones I reckon."[/quote]

Okay i sent it through Babel Fish- “Wow whiteman-you should eat more fiber.”

[quote=“Bubba 2 Guns”]Do the Limeys have a bathroom scale that says their weight in stone?
That we do.

Hands down it is! (or should I say decimetres down?)

I just look at my speedo to see my stones.

And I’m still not used to it - converting kilometers in my head when riding or driving. 32 Kilometers to Taichung - what’s that in miles?

Yeah…I’m 12st something.

[quote=“Bubba2Guns”]Why should Americans change-on the slim chance they do a tour of Europe or have to help Europe out of one of its countless wars? Just bring a metric converter.

Perhaps you should change on the very real chance that Europeans, Aussies or Kiwis would be helping out on one of your countless wars; or world war 3 which will probably be started by the US in the near future. :smiling_imp:

(Cue ralphy…)

[quote=“JDSmith”]I grew up on the US system,yards and miles and such. I prefer metric now, because a 100KM drive to Taichung can be done in an hour!


English system. You Americans steal everything.

Cue ralphy… :smiling_imp: )

Taiwan beer comes in 600cc bottles…I’m still trying to equate that to 1 quart.
Its shamefully smaller. Although I bought beer in 1 liter bottles in the USA.
And the pints at my local were “English” pints, which I’m told were larger than ‘regular’ pints.


“My car gets excellent gas kilometerage.”
“I think I’ll have 0.568 liters of Guinness.”
“He’s demanding his kilogram of flesh.”
“Give him a centimeter and he’ll take a kilometer.”

Nah, doesn’t quite work…

By the way, why is it that (in the US) marijuana is measured in Imperial units while cocaine is measured in metric?