Metronome (was "Sandman is a bastard")

It’s Mrs. sandman’s birthday today. I forgot. Again. So I need to get her a pressie. Tonight.

Does anybody know where I can buy a nice metronome. A real wooden pyramid-shaped one with a pendulum that goes “tick-tock.” Not a poxy little piezo-quartz thing. Money no object.


You bastard! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, if YOU don’t know where to get one, Sandman…

What’s the best piano shop in Taipei?

You in da shit now!

[quote]I been run down, I been lied to,
I don

I’m going there tonight already to get a mic for my sax, but I can’t imagine they’d have such a thing as a real old-fashioned clockwork metronome. I’ll check, though.

in the ground floor drum section they have cases filled with every possbile egg shaker known to man, so a met could be a go-er. just trying to help

There’s a phone number on that link Sandman. Like you, I would be slightly surprised if they had one, but not overly so. Why not give them a quick call to find out?

Does anyone still use those wind up metronomes anymore? I am from a family of musicians and they all swear by Dr. Beat.

As for piano shops, there is (or was) a Steinway dealer on Fuxing South Rd, somewhere in between Chung Hsiao and Hsin Yi…that may be a place to start. But I have to think you’ll be running around trying to track one of these down… Best of luck in any case! :slight_smile:

I remember seeing a metronome at Galaxy, but I didn’t look at it closely so I can’t say it’s the kind you want.

[quote=“jake on that site”]Does anyone still use those wind up metronomes anymore? I am from a family of musicians and they all swear by Dr. Beat.

As for piano shops, there is (or was) a Steinway dealer on Fuxing South Rd, somewhere in between Zhongxiao and Xinyi…that may be a place to start. But I have to think you’ll be running around trying to track one of these down… Best of luck in any case! :slight_smile:[/quote]

I’d like to think that some shop in Taipei will have a wind up metronome. I’m sure the very fact that is looks posh would make it a seller in those up-market piano shops.

The main problem with Dr Beat is its inherent stinkyness.

It’s just plain stinky.
I want this for my sweety:

[quote=“sandman”]It’s Mrs. sandman’s birthday today. I forgot. Again. So I need to get her a pressie. Tonight.
Oh my, that reminds me of something… remember that wedding in Jiayi?

Sorry, I have no idea where to get a metronome in Taipeh, but it is a very good idea!

here ya go

Buy it now!

Can’t you just hit your head with a mallet at the right tempo ? It would make the right sound, a present always means more when you make it yourself, and it will show how sorry you are for being an evil cult*.


Perfect! No time for the Yahoo auction ones, but surely the fact that they’re on there means there’s a bloody good chance they were bought here. Thanks AWOL! Maybe I’ll be gettin’ me some good lovin’ tonight after all.


often they are music shops. have a look at the sellers details. often they have phone number or email. call them and arrange to meet NOW. simple. i have done this to buy various items here

Sogo in Chung Li had a German made one for 1,200nt.

I expect they would have the same in Taipei? My piano player SO purchased the electronic one that promptly stuffed up and spent 3 months getting fixed.

I’ve just remembered there’s a big fancy piano store beside Roxy. That’s where I’ll go first. Looks like it won’t be so hard to find one of these puppies after all. Thanks for your help guys.

Might wanna check out the Yamaha music store on Fuxing S Rd Sec 1, very near the Howard Hotel, just south of Renai. They have pianos and all kind of stuff.

Hope you can find a wooden one. I was asking where to get the wooden timing thing and the light only came on when it was a plastic timing thing that we were looking for.

And yes, you’re a Scottish bastard.