Mia C'bon Supermarket by Carrefour (formerly Jasons)

I guess Jason’s changed name to Mia C’bon.

First look to me appears to have quite a bit more variety of fruits and vegetables I didn’t notice what else.

One of my guilty outrageously expensive pleasures. Fruit Loops with Marshmallows is on sale buy one get one free.


When will President change that name and cut the variety?

My local Jason’s changed to this name a couple of weeks ago. They shut their doors for renovations for a week and when they reopened it was… exactly the same (except maybe a new floor?). Didn’t see the point.

Don’t feel guilty. All of us foreigners need some comfort food.

Speaking of which, for years Jason’s carried one of my favorites, Planter’s Dry Roasted Peanuts. Roughly a year ago they disappeared from the shelves and haven’t returned. I was hoping it was supply chain issues but still nothing in sight there nor other stores that you once could find them in.

Scoff down a bag of sugar, same diabetes just cheaper.


Jason’s is owned by Wellcome. Carrefour can’t use that name without permission.

So far Mia C’bon does not seem radically different from what Jason‘a was. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Carrefour also owns Wellcome and has changed the name of most Wellcomes I’ve noticed.

They didn’t buy Wellcome. They bought Wellcome’s stores and assets, not the company outright and not its intellectual property. Wellcome is a Hong Kong company and still operates in Hong Kong and the Philippines.

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What an amazingly stupid name. It’s like they put Mia Cucina and Cinnabon in a blender. Can’t they afford to hire an actual marketing professional? How does one even pronounce it? I imagine people will say “Mia She-bone.”


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Diabetes type 2 , possible cure!

Why on earth did they leave Taiwan? Why, oh why?

Your cardiologist probably called in a favor. :sweat_smile:

Right? The Jason’s in my area changed to this new name a few months ago, and I had the same reaction. I finally took the time to look at their website which gives an explanation for the name. I still think the name is silly but whatever–at least it still carries my guilty Western pleasures.


As the good doctor pointed out above, what a dumb name.



I think C’bon is supposed to be C’est bon

So who the hell is Mia, and what makes her so good?


But “C’mon” is even closer… :sweat_smile:

Maybe it’s the First-person possessive pronoun in Italian.

Kinda like La Senza - The Without.

Same. I found some on Shopee but a bit more pricey. Actually Amazon deliveries if you buy 6 jars is reasonable.

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That was my guess too, but is it an abbreviation used in French? It seems to be used for a Japanese cosmetics company (here), and a Quebec meal delivery service (here), but I’m not sure how it’s supposed to be pronounced for either. I don’t recall “C’bon” ever appearing in French materials I’ve read, but I wasn’t exactly good at French, and that was several decades ago anyway.

Oh well. It’s been over twenty years and I’m still not sure how to say “Eslite”.